{‘accidentally in love’ in action!}

I am so happy to share the amazing LOs that I’ve received from some VERY talented scrappers who used my kit, ‘Accidentally in Love”! Firt of all, I’d like to share another LO that I scrapped with the kit.

I scrapped this for Traci Reed’s team blog template challenge! The template is up as a freebie on the team blog! Isn’t it fabulous?

Ok, on to the “Show-Offs”!

“So Big” by Marci.

And a coordinating Journal Page also by Marci!

100% Sweet by Morgan.

Caitlin by Erica (ezane).

100% Sweet by Chris (my4boys).

My Grandma’s Love by Shari (SHARIngcreations).

Phew. . . that’s a lot of LOs!! I LOVE IT! If you scrap a LO with ‘Accidentally in Love’ email me and I’ll do more “Show-Offs”!


Tonight’s been pretty low-key. I made tacos for dinner, visited with my neighbor for a while, then just worked on my new kit for a while. I think I have the papers pretty much finished up. Now its on to the embellishments! (This is so much fun!!). I have some finished LOs I did this past weekend that I’ll post later! Oh yeah, I haven’t forgotten about the Beading Beauties pics. I will post those too. But for tonight, I think this post has gone on long enough!

Ta ta for now!

4 thoughts on “{‘accidentally in love’ in action!}”

  1. Oh, I love tacos too and make them all the time! 🙂 And you’re quite fast in this designing thing being half way through your second kit already..! Can’t wait to see what it looks like! 🙂

  2. It is so fun to see what other people made with your kit! It is really cute! I need to get busy!!

  3. Your niece is so STINKIN cute! How fun that your sister-in-law scraps with you!!! I’ve been trying to get my sisters, in-laws and all to scrap with me but I haven’t broke em down yet hehehe Way cute pages!

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