{best husband ever!}

I just have to gush a little! I have the best husband ever!! Yesterday he came home with this HUGE bouquet of GORGEOUS red roses to tell me congratulations on my new job!! Isn’t he the sweetest? He’s so thoughtful. I’m so lucky!!

They are just BIG and gorgeous and I feel so happy when I look at them!

I also scrapped this page from LAST year’s Halloween! Michelle Guymon designed a kit at scraphead.com called “Good vs. Evil” and as soon as I saw it I knew I had the PERFECT photos for it!!

credits here

I really like how it came out! Well, hope you all have fun plans for the weekend. Josh and I just made plans to stay in, order chinese, and watch Rataoille, which we just bought yesterday but have never seen! Everyone keeps telling us we just HAVE to see it! So, I’m excited!!! I love nights in!!

9 thoughts on “{best husband ever!}”

  1. That is really sweet, you are a lucky girl! Sorry I have been bad at leaving comments, but I enjoy looking at all of your new posts & reading up on all your adventures. Congrats on your new job, you look very happy in your pic! I am SO SO sad that I didn’t get to see you over Halloween, but I am planning on spending some quality time with you guys ove our Christmas vacation ok!!

  2. That is a perfect kit for those pictures!!! I like the way you put it together… and you look HOT! hehe I love getting roses too… I’m not quite that spoiled though… I have to tell my husband when to buy me flowers! HA

  3. Gorgeous layout!! Lucky you getting those beautiful roses 🙂

    I just found your blog through scraphead. Adding you to my RSS now, i will be back!

  4. He is a sweetie (much like Pan) and I love the Halloween layout of the two of you. How cool that you went as the devil and he as an angel.

  5. You are very lucky! Live it up! Some men just don’t realize how happy a few little flowere can make a girl!

    Love the LO! Looks like the party was a smash!

  6. I think i just found my new favorite blog layout! no, you don’t know me, but i just happend upon your blog in a long line of links. I just got photoshop and am starting digital scrapbooking! wow, your pages are amazing! Question, how did you get that darling header in your blog title? Do you mind emailing me? (i’m really not a stalker!) thanks!

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