{home again, home again}

I have to start by saying thank you to all my nice readers who left me such sweet comments about my new job! Thank you thank you thank you!! And also, thanks to everyone who downloaded my freebies and made purchases this weekend for Digital Scrapbooking Day! I can’t tell you how happy that made me!!!

We had a such a GREAT time in Disneyland this weekend. It was so much fun to be there with my entire family!!! But it is very nice to be home safe and sound. We have traveled quite a bit this last few weeks, and we are ready for some home-time, doing nothing!! Now, if only I had some time to recover!

My new job at Blue Sheep Printing started today. It is pretty fun!! I got to design some tee shirts for the BYU Field Hockey team, rebuild the logo into our computer for a little diner in rural Utah, and work on some art for a high school yearbook staff. It’s pretty random but its fun! Much much more fun than the law firm. I hope it continues to go so well. I was only supposed to be working M, W, F from noon to 5, but already they’ve asked me to come in tomorrow because I was “so helpful today”. Heehee.

I scrapped this LO tonight, and just wanted to share it! Full credits can be found here.

I actually scrapped this for a template challenge that Happy Scrap Girl is hosting at ScrapMatters. Go check it out! You can use any template you want! It was fun!! 🙂

Well, I’m seriously tired. Gotta go get some sleep!! My poor tired hubby is already sleeping on the couch. Gotta go get him in bed too.

4 thoughts on “{home again, home again}”

  1. HAHA my husband sleeps on the couch until I put him in bed too! … Men, so funny!!! Congrats on your new job, it sounds PERFECT for you!!!!!

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