{a font challenge!}

I’m hosting a really fun font challenge at ScrapMatters this week! There are two $5 GC up for grabs. 1 for my favorite LO and 1 give away in a random drawing!

The font I picked is one of my favorites. I use it a lot. “You Are Loved” by Kimberly Geswin. Come to ScrapMatters and check it out! I’d LOVE to see what you come up with!! 🙂

This is my entry.


The Saturday before Christmas we had a big family Christmas party with all the Aunts and Uncles and cousins on my mom’s side. Every year its a tradition to play White Elephant! We always laugh so hard! So, I had to scrap up a page to remember this year’s funny gifts and the great time we had! I used Andilynn’s “Holly, Jolly Ho Ho Ho” kit.

I also scrapped this page to go with it!


Fun times!

Well, still no heat in our house and its pretty freezing outside so that means its freezing in here as well. But my sweet husband went out this morning and bought me another space heater and this one is big and fancy so I’m toasty warm today. Thank goodness!!

I mentioned yesterday that I got Josh “Rock Band” for Christmas. Well, it is AWESOME. I love it, and I don’t love video games. We played for over 3 hours straight last night. I was the drummer. It’s so fun, I can’t WAIT for Josh to get home so we can play more!!!!! I’ll try and get some picks of us playing it cuz it is pretty dang funny to see I think!

Well, I’m off. See ya later!!

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