{f is for . . .}

F is for . . .


Remember Felicity? Oh man. I loved that show. No, I still LOVE that show. I own all the seasons on DVD. That show . . . it was a part of me. I know that sounds really ridiculous, but it really was! And, if you know Felicity, you know if you were a Ben or a Noel. I was 110% a Noel. Noel was who she was supposed to BE WITH!!!! I swore I would find myself a Noel. and my mom. being the caring and protective mom she is, told me not to get my hopes too set on a Noel, because mostly he was a fictitious character and there weren’t many real-life Noels out there. Well . . . turns out she was right, there aren’t many. But I got lucky. I got Josh and he IS sooooo a Noel. He’s BETTER than a Noel! He’s everything that Noel was and more.

Anyway – Felicity is amazing. I just looked it up and its been off the air for almost 6 years now!! WHAT?! That can’t be right! I was into Felicity right as I was graduating high school and going to college. Just like Felicity. Only she led a MUCH more exciting and dramatic life in New York City than I was living in Utah and Seattle. I feel like Felicity (and Keri Russell in general) is this long lost friend of mine. Haha. Ok – I’m out-dorking myself here. Time to stop typing!

Peace out. Good night!

10 thoughts on “{f is for . . .}”

  1. I was never into Felicity, not sure why.. but I did love the movie ‘The Waitress’ with her in it.

  2. Oh, I loved Felicity too and I definately fancied Ben more than Noel. 🙂 But, I don’t know what happened but I never saw the end of the series so I don’t know what happened to Felicity and who did she end up with eventually. I hope they’ll show the series again on TV someday.

  3. I was into Felicity a little.. And I kind of remember Ben and Noel, but not good enough! HEHE I’m glad you found an awesome hubby!

  4. ok i’m so glad you put this on here! Wow I can’t believe it was 6 years ago that it ended. I feel the same way you do about the show…only you know I was 110% a Ben fan! I love this one!!

  5. I’m pretty sure that I LOVE Felicity because of you and Shan watching it all the time! I miss that show! I want to add that show to my collection! 🙂

  6. Sigh. I feel exactly the same way. Loved this show. And omg Noel was lusicous! I mean, who wouldnt want that sweet man-boy lol. Glad you found one. Mine is just as good but definately not as mooshy :o) Thanks for the freebies

  7. You can thank ME for getting you into that show! Remember how it took a bit, but then you decided you were a loyal fan for life. NOEL all the way! Lets RE-watch them all! Although I have to say it makes me a little sad knowing how it ended.

  8. Renata Pamplona

    OMG! Felicity was the best, actually, the WB never had a good year since dawson´s, felicity and those other great shows.
    Man… when the music theme started it was an hour in front of the tv with no interruptions.
    Great stuff to remember.


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