{this and that}

This entry is going to be pretty random. Just a head’s up!

Well, today was a very long but a very productive day. I was sick and tired of living in a mess, so we cleaned house ALL DAY LONG! We took breaks to eat and rest our feet for a minute, but the rest of the day was work, work, work. But now, my house is pretty darn clean! I have a bad habit of being a piler. I accumulate these little piles of junk everywhere. It’s a habit that I’m going to try and break. I’m going to try and keep my house clean and tidy all week long. We’ll see how that goes.

I just wanted to show you my new mouse! My sister in law, Marci, and brother, Christian, gave me this C-U-T-E Hello Kitty wireless mouse for Christmas. I love it so much! It’s PINK and SPARKLY! And so me! I love Hello Kitty!! Thanks guys for such a great gift!!

I totally forgot to tell you guys, on Monday I found out that I won the Template Challenge hosted by Dani Mogstad’s creative team! My LO “Even Grandma’s Need a Babydoll for Christmas” was my entry! Most of you know I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE Dani fan, so winning her challenge was quite a thrill. I got a $10 GC to shop at her store! I got some REALLY cute stuff, which you’ll be seeing in my LOs very soon!

I scrapped a fun little LO tonight of some Halloween photos! Yes, I’m so behind that I’m scrapping Halloween in January!! But oh well. This LO is for Shandy’s CT!


Aren’t my nephews the cutest? And Tami! Quite the natural Jedi!! HAHA. Oh I love Halloween. Scrapping this made me excited for October! HAHA. A little premature. Yes, I know!

One last thing! It’s “Something Special Saturay” at the Team Blog at ScrapMatters, which means there might be a freebie! And this week, there IS! Some REALLY cute buttons! Go get ’em!! Leave Andrea some love over there if you download them. She made them!!

Well, I gotta go work on my lesson for church tomorrow! (Then I’ll probably scrap a little more!!) Have a good night!

3 thoughts on “{this and that}”

  1. I love your new blog header!!! So bright and cheerful, it sure helps chase away the winter blahs.

    I need to get busy and clean away my piles too. That’s actually one of my New Year’s resolutions.

  2. Congrats on your cleaning project! 🙂 It’s quite an accomplishment to be able to clean the entire day. Well, at least for me it would be.. 😉 And your mouse is the cutest!

  3. Josh, Morgan, and Our Kids

    I love the new look of your blog too! I swear I didn’t mean to copy yours with mine! Hehe! Your new LO’s are awesome as usual. I always get such great ideas from looking at your creations! Love you!

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