{scotty boy}

We just got a great email and some pics and even some sound clips from my brother Scotty who’s on a mission in Chile. He is doing so great! He loves the missionary work he is doing and it sounds like he is making some big headway with speaking the language there. He sent this sweet photo home and I just had to share it.

This is Scotty looking through an album of pictures from our January 2007 family trip to Disneyland. Josh and I made it for him for his birthday to take on his mission so he could look at these pics and remember our fun trip. In his sound clips he sent home he said he was looking through his Disneyland album and feeling homesick. I sort of feel bad. We didn’t give it to him to make him homesick for us!! 🙁 Even though he says he is homesick, he says that when he steps out the door and goes to work the homesickness goes away.

Anyway – he’s doing great and we miss him as much, if not more than he misses us!! 🙂

Oh hey, just a reminder to get your show-offs emailed in before Friday! 🙂

Also – don’t know if you heard or read about it on the Team Blog but there’s a great sale coming up this weekend at ScrapMatters. We’re all getting some SWEET grab bags together for you! My grab bag is pretty much done now, and its seriously BURSTING with goodies. I think I put too much in it, but OH WELL! 🙂 You’ll definitely want to pick it up! Watch for that on Friday. Click here and learn more about the “Leap Year” sale coming up!

I caught myself a nice little cold in the last few days and I think I might have given it to Josh! I hope we can both get over it WAY FAST so we can be all better for our trip to Disneyland that startsthis weekend!!! I can’t wait!!! I need a vacation SO BAD!!! It’s going to be so fun! I was talking to Shari today and she said, “You don’t ever get sick of that place, huh?” And I just had to laugh! I said, “NOPE! I keep waiting for the love to die out a bit, but it NEVER DOES!”. I just can never get enough Disneyland! 🙂 I am planning on coming home all inspired to create my next big magical kit!

Because I’ve been so busy with the grab bag and tons of other stuff I haven’t had ANY time to scrap for so long! 🙁 Maybe I’ll get feeling better tonight and I can find some scrap time.

I’m going to crawl back in bed now. I gotta get feelin’ better.