
I’m FINALLY home in my new house.  Directly after moving we went to my parent’s house to spend a few days with the lil’ bro while my parents are in Hawaii.  Yes, Mom & Dad missed out on all the fun of helping us move.  I’m sure they were sitting on a warm beach drinking Diet Coke with their feet up, not a care in the world, while we were lugging boxes, breaking stuff and generally having a miserable time!  No worries though Mom & Dad!  I’m just jealous!

So yes, the move is done and we are no where NEAR settled yet.  I spent my first official night at home not unloading boxes or setting up house, but finishing up my part of the big Sunshine Girls Easter collab. freebie that comes out tomorrow!!  Yes, I’ve joined ranks with these fabulous girls and I get to give out a part of the awesome freebie kit!  Get excited and come back tomorrow for my part and for a hunt (really just a train of downloads) for all the other parts.  Here’s a little sneak peek of what my mini-kit looks like!! heehee

Check back tomorrow for the full freebie! It’s a good one!

You’ll all be happy to know that I’m FINALLY feeling better! It’s been about over 4 weeks now, so its about dang time! My hearing is still a little hampered due to stuffiness, and I’m still blowin’ my nose but nowhere NEAR as much as I was last week. I’m so grateful to be healing! It’s been way too long!!

Well, that’s about it for now. Just poppin’ in to say hi and to apologize for being absent for so long!! Thanks for all the words of encouragement during the move and during my sickness! It’s so nice to get warm comments!

It’s past midnight, time for bed! See ya tomorrow!!

5 thoughts on “{hallelujah!!}”

  1. Oh yay, glad you are feeling better!!

    Oooh I was going to ask you, hey why aren’t you joining up with these sunshine girls cos I know you’ve got something great to offer. I’m so excited that you HAVE!!

  2. So I started writing you a comment and it turned into a long story so I wrote you an email! But I’m really glad you’re feeling better and I’m way excited for your new kit!!

  3. Wow, this is one of the best kits in the egg hunt~ I especially love the gem flowers and the word overlay/frame. Thank you!

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