{feels like Monday}

Hello!  It’s Monday morning and I can feel it.  We stayed up WAAAAYYYY too late last night, getting some SM work done, and I’m feelin’ it.  I can’t imagine how poor Josh, who gets up an hour before me, is feeling.  We are determined to stick to our bed time this week.
So – I promised to show you my new “Clearly Alpha” in action, so here you go . . .
The fabulous Miss Danica scrapped this ADORABLE 2-pager and I have to say I’m loving the clear alpha to go with the clear bubbles! This is also my “Dreams Do Come True” kit AND she flipped one of my 2-Pager templates!
Isn’t this so cute?! I love it.
At SM we have started doing “The Saturday Special”. It’s a fun challenge that starts on Saturdays and goes for a week. Our Tuesday challenges are now “The Tuesday Template Challenge” while “The Saturday Special” will change each week and be something new and random. Very fun! This past Saturday Andrea kicked off the very first “Saturday Special” with a challenge all about opposites. Go check out all the details here!
This is my entry . . .

When Andrea first told me about this challenge and that she was planning on scrapping some night and day pics for it, this Frank Sinatra song popped into my head and I was humming it the whole time I scrapped this page. 🙂 I LOVE Frank!!!
Here are a couple more LOs from this weekend. This one is my VERY FIRST CT LO for designs by krista. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kit called “Kismet” and its only 3 bucks!!!

Here’s the LO I scrapped with it.

It won’t be the last LO with this kit! It’s just tooooo cute!
I also scrapped my VERY FIRST LO for my guest CT spot with Diamante Designs by Lori Wiley. Lori’s stuff is so gorgeous and so unique! It really made me stretch and use my creativity a lot. It was fun!! I used a LOT of her things, so be sure to check out the credits for everything I used.

I guess that’s it for today. Gotta get back to work! Always a million things to do! OHHH before I go, I’ll show you a couple good photos we took with our new camera at my little niece’s first birthday party. We got the new lens we wanted and we’re starting to (slowly) to get the hang of the camera. 

I haven’t had a chance to play with them in photoshop yet and make them REALLY amazing, but its nice to have good photos. Even though we took close to 400 photos just to get a handful of good ones! HAHA No, we have lots of good ones. It was good practice.

Ok – now I really do need to get back to work.

See ya!

7 thoughts on “{feels like Monday}”

  1. Nice pictures! So, which lens did you get for your camera? Inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Victoria Elder

    I love your new LO’s AND the pictures! Eden looks so beautiful in those pictures! I love that one of Dax that quivering lip, he has been so sensative lately! haha

  3. WOW your new camera ROCKS! and I love all your LOs!! I don’t know how you keep up with so many CTs!!

  4. Beautiful LOs Britt! And having a baby around really does make you want to snap, snap, snap away doesn’t it? I swear, my niece is already feeling like I’m invading her privacy. LOL..

  5. Cute Britt! I love you working from home LO. Your eyes look so pretty in that picture. So I’m guessing that Eden’s party turned out well. Your pictures are cute and I’m jealous I don’t have a fun camera like you!

  6. Great layout’s britt!!! And your niece is just too cute, what a doll!! You will have fun scrappin’ those pics for sure!

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