{good times}

So both Anne and Diana were found!  Whew!!  I’m so glad.

There’s a new challenge at ScrapMatters that goes until midnight on Monday.  It’s hosted by my sister in law, Tami, and its way fun.  Check it out HERE.

Here’s my entry:

The challenge is about focus and I decided to focus on all the good times we had at our old house instead of all the bad stuff that came toward the end of our stay there. There were so many good things about this house and I wanted to remember them.

Great news!!! I got onto a new CT!!! Designs by Krista asked me to come be on the CT. It’s so laid back, but she has the MOST amazing kits!!! I can’t WAIT to start playing. I haven’t had a chance to yet and its killing me!! I’ve just been working really hard on my new kit. Anyway – YAY! I can’t wait!

AND on top of that, I was asked to guest CT for May on Diamante Designs (by Lori Wiley). My good digi-friend Teresa is her assistant and asked me to join up for a guest spot! Her stuff is GORGEOUS so I’m really excited. Go check it out!!

Speaking of CT’s, Mira Designs has a brand new kit out today called “Spring Garden” and it is so much fun! (My LO is even on the product’s page! MY LO on TheDigiChick!! So cool!!!)


Here’s the LO I scrapped with it!!

Ok . . . so my new kit is coming along. Would you like a sneak peek? (yes, I spelled it right this time missy!!) Ok here’s your peek. It’s just the papers.

What do you think?? It’s going to be so awesome when its done! I can’t wait!

I took this fun quiz at guessthespot.com. They show you google map-like images of famous landmarks and you have to guess where they are. It’s fun, but I did bad!! I correctly answered 10 out of 16. My score was 60% which according to their charts makes me “An Average Sight-Seer” Go take the quiz. It’s fun!!

Alrighty – that’s all from me today I think.  Have a good one!

5 thoughts on “{good times}”

  1. oooh, I see pirates! That’s the theme of my son’s birthday party this weekend, how perfect! I can’t wait to see the rest of it!!

    Great take on the challenge, sometimes it’s hard to remember to focus on the good times, good reminder.

  2. Brittney, I’m so excited. You and Krista are my two favorites, so it’ll be so great to have you working together. Hooray! And I can’t wait to see your new kit.

  3. I love the mother’s day LO with Tami’s family. Really cute! When I saw your LO for Tami’s challenge at scrap matters, I thought “that was were beading beauties was started”!!

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