{a little discovery!}

Ok – so I NEVER check my hotmail account anymore, and today I decided I’d better go in and clean it out! ย Well . . . I discovered something! ย A couple fabulous scrappers tried to add LO’s to the Show Off slideshows and I never knew because I didn’t get the email notification! ย So I’m going to show the LOs here and hope that the ladies who scrapped them will email me at desinerbrittney at gmail dot com so I can give them a prize!! ย 

This first one is by Anne:

And this one is by Diana:

Anne and Diana please email me! ๐Ÿ™‚

And just so everyone knows, if you want to be a Show Off just email me your LOs directly. I didn’t even know you could try to add images to the slideshow! So – yeah, don’t try to do it that way!! ๐Ÿ™‚ haha Even though it might actually be easier and Anne and Diana are smarter than me to think of it! I don’t know how to do it! So for now, just email me! haha THANKS!

Ok – so Josh and I have been saving since December to buy the new Canon Rebel xsi and last Friday we finally bought it. It’s TOTALLY intimidating and I feel like an idiot trying to use it! I have soooo much to learn. We took it to my brother’s house last night and practiced trying to take photos of my niece. ::: BIG EYE ROLL ::: It was not a success! This was about the best photo we got all night without the flash.

And this one is pretty good but flashy!

We already know what new lens we want to get – but our wallets are still reeling from the camera purchase – but bottom line . . . I need to learn more about using it. If anyone knows any great websites or has advice, email it over or leave it in the comments!!

Alright – gotta get back to work. The new kit is coming together nicely. It’s making me VERY excited!!

Later peeps!

11 thoughts on “{a little discovery!}”

  1. Congrats on the new camera, how exciting!! I would highly recommend reading the book Understand Exposure by Bryan Peterson, it has been the best book I’ve read on photography (and that’s after 3 years of photo classes in both high school and collage). ilovephotography.com is also a great site to check out.
    Enjoy your new camera!!

  2. Congrats on the camera — you are going to LOVE it! What lens did you get with it? That will help me figure out what settings you might want to try first. I have a Canon 20D and I’m finally learning how to use it well after three years! I ended up taking a class at my local camera store and it was great! I’d be happy to give you some ideas of where to start. I loooove my Canon dSLR!!

  3. what? you HAVE the new xsi?? I’m upgrading to that one from the rebel (bleh…so old!) and everywhere I look online it’s still not available yet. Where did you get yours?? Come on girl, what’s your secret? ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Britt — congrats on your new toy!! Good luck with it, and i can’t wait for your new kit!!!

  5. Yay for a new camera! I was just going to suggest Understanding Exposure. It really is a good book and he gives little lessons to help you. (says the girl who hasn’t applied them yet)Having two, two year olds I tend to leave my Nikon in kid mode (seriously, that’s what it’s called) but I so want to get rolling with actually using my camera.

  6. How awesome is that new camera!! OK, so we leave on Friday for Disney..I’ll be MORE than happy to test it out for ya. lol Speaking of Disney, check out my blog. Just posted a new LO using your kits & I don’t remember if I told you or not, but check out my header, too. lol

  7. I saw that freebie! I was trying to buy your other set of 2 pagers and get some freebies, but it’s having trouble processing my paypal account…??? hopefully I’ll be able to download them tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. BTW good idea on the flipping and CONGRATS on the new camera!! HOW FUN! You are brave, I’m more of the point and click type of photographer!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Britt I can’t believe how big Eden is! She is so stinkin’ cute! Good luck with the new camera

  10. Wow, congrats on getting a new camera! Can’t wait to see your new gorgeous pics with it! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d so love to have one too cuz a good camera really makes such a difference in the photos once you learn how to use it.

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