I guess I knew it would happen eventually. But it still SUCKS! ROYALLY!! I’ve been pirated. Someone has started illegally sharing my “Dreams Do Come True” kit illegally in yahoo groups and its been stolen all over the web. I just don’t understand what makes people think you don’t have to pay for stuff that someone else has worked so hard on. And it especially hurts that it was “Dreams Do Come True”! My happiest and most magical kit!!! I really poured myself into that kit and knowing that people are STEALING it REALLY really hurts.
I feel like I am SO generous with freebies, gifts, prizes, etc. that to be stolen from is just such a slap in the face.
So – let’s be REALLY clear people.
- If you download a kit that is not a freebie DIRECTLY from a designer or a store, you are STEALING.
- If you belong to a yahoo group – or similar group – that shares download links to digital scrap products, your group is in direct violation of the designers copyrights and you are STEALING.
- If you buy a kit and share (or allow them to download) it with your sister, your best friend, your mom, ANYONE, you are STEALING!!
Piracy is a serious issue in the digital scrapbooking industry and its on the rise!! It SUCKS. Designers work HARD at what they do and its incredible that someone would feel entitled enough to not pay the measly 5 bucks for a designers hard work. You wouldn’t walk into your local scrapbook store and just take stuff off the shelf and walk out the door, would you??
I also have to make a public apology to someone who recently I had a misunderstanding with. I’ve emailed you and explained what happened and it really has shaken me up that you (and possibly others) are out there thinking badly of me. I hope you received my email, even though you have not responded. If you knew me, you would believe my sincere apology and know that it was all just a big mistake.
I’m really trying not to take all of this personally but its not easy. I’m hurt. I admit it. It’s all sent me into quite a funk lately. A dark icky place that I’d rather not be. Sorry if this is too personal, but its the truth. I am really trying to keep my chin up and “just keep swiming” but my arms are getting tired!
However, I really find comfort in thinking about how many wonderful and supporting women I’ve had the pleasure to come in contact with over the months since I started designing. It cracks me up that my blog is coming up on 100,00 hits!!! Who is reading MY blog I think to myself!!?
So, to those of you who support me and allow me to do this full time, I love you. Thank you. I beg you to help me be an example of honesty and integrity and NEVER be a pirate!! If your friends do it, stand up to them and explain why its wrong. Let’s be an honest band of sisters!!
Ok – off the soap box. Let’s try and lighten the mood shall we?? (Just smile until you mean it, right?)
My girl, Erica Zane, has revamped one of my FAVE kits of hers, “Touch of Cherry”. It’s not up at the Snap & Scrap shop yet, but she expects it to be up any time. Here’s what I scrapped with it!
I’m hosting a challenge at the DIS (a little Disney Digi-Scrappers group that I LOVE – email me if you want to know more about it!) this week. I decided to do a challenge where you had to use only colors found in Aladdin’s costume!

HAHA Pretty fun, huh? I’m thinking of hosting some Disney-inspired challenges right here on my blog! Comment if you have any thoughts about that. You wouldn’t have to SCRAP Disney necessarily. Cuz I know you all aren’t as Disney-crazy as I am!!
Anyway – here is my entry for my own challenge!
And one more. I scrapped this for LAST week’s challenge at the DIS. It was fun to scrap with so much of my VERY favorite color.
I didn’t get to go to the speed scrap last night and I’m so bummed. I went to dinner and a play with my mom and her friend and her friends daughters. It was a fun girl’s night!! But I missed my weekly speed scrap! That’s for sure!!
Can I ramble a little about SYTYCD?? It is the BEST show EVER!!! It’s tivoing right now so J & I can sit down and watch it commercial free. I love it. I can’t WAIT to see the group number tonight and see who makes the cut. Last night I think my favorite dance was a toss up between the Argentine Tango with Chelsea and Mark (love Mark!) and the contemporary number that Courtney and Gev did. I did NOT love the Broadway number that Katie and Joshua did (although I do love Joshua). The judges FLIPPED OUT over it and Josh and I were sitting there going “huh?! did we miss something?!”. I guess it was one of those that was more exciting in person. I also thought Suzy & Marquis were sort of a flop. I think they might both be going home. We’ll see!!!
Well guys – thanks again for those of you who support me!! I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate it!! Help but an end to piracy! In any way you can!!!!!
See you tomorrow morning for my regular Friday post!!
Wow, that sucks. I’m so sorry that people are stealing your stuff and spreading it around. You do amazing work, and people should appreciate that more.
Also, I just joined the DISboards and I’ve been posting all day – it’s a great place! I’ll definitely have to join the challenge.
Emily 🙂
Oh, Brittney! I’m so sorry to hear about what has happened. You are a wonderful example in the digital community and you deserve all the gratitude in the world…You are right to keep your chin up. We’ve got your back!
So sorry that this is happening to you too. Despite the personal stab, don’t let it snuff out your brilliant work. You are an amazingly talented designer that has many great projects ahead of you. I know the best is yet to come.
That REALLY sucks!! I can’t believe someone would do that. I agree with you, you are always very generous with freebies!! I’m very annoyed for you, that’s really unfair!
GRRRRR & hiss to you, thief!!
o I’m really sorry Britt! People can be sooo ugly!!! And we all know that you would never do anything to hurt another person! Try to pull out of the funk!!! We all love you!!!
I love what you do. Please don’t get discouraged.
I’m sorry that people can’t appreciate your hard work and have to steal! Especially such a cute kit! Just goes to show you the character of some people! Don’t let it get ya down too much, we love and appreciate all your work! Your a very talented designer!
Hey Britt, we all love you. Thanks for all that you do. Ditto on SYTYCD. I just watched it, so I won’t tell you what happened.
I’m so sad for you! You are such a GENEROUS designer and so talented. Really, I don’t know what people are thinking. Remember there are more people for you than against you! Thanks for sharing your talent 🙂
That really sucks. I am saddened by your post ande that people would do that. (((HUG))) Thank you for all your hard work. You have been very generous here and at the DIS. Just keep swimming a bit more!;)
Hang in there Brit! We all LOVE what you do.
Shame on the Pirates!!! We only like Disney Pirates here – NO DIGI PIRATES!!!!!
LOL Anonymous!
It really sucks when that happened.. And with you being a generous person and all.. *sighs*
Aww, Britt–sorry to hear about that. I just wish there was more honesty in this world…but I guess we just have to be examples.
Hey, I love the idea of Disney challenges on your blog!! That would be fun! Keep your chin up!!
Wow. I’m sorry, Brittney, that you are having such a horrible week. Its really rotten for people to steal… and from such a sweetheart. It’s not fair, definitely.
Also, you have turned me on to the DIS boards. I am a huge Disneyland fanatic and this whole time I never really knew how many more of us were out there. lol. Certainly, I’m the only one in MY family. I plan on turning my son into one, though. I say YAY for Disney challenges here!
Thinking about you and hope things turn around for you!
I’ve just come across your site in the last week. The fact that you gave me a silver mickey brad for free…well that just makes you a saint!!
I am just so totally impressed by your talent…and equally impressed by your Disney love (which we share!!)
In general, I’m a complete bargain gal…and I usually only use stuff that I get as “freebies.” But your stuff actually made me pay for digital scrapbooking stuff for the first time!!
Anyway, I’m so sorry you’re in a funk. I don’t know if having a new fan helps…but you have one. Thanks!!
I’m so sorry Brittney!!
That really sucks. You are such an awesome person, you give so much away, and always leave such nice comments on layouts posted, I hate that someone would do something to make you feel sad. 🙁
I’m with the post above, I was all about the freebies until I saw your stuff, I just HAD to buy it (all!). lol
I think a Disney challenge would be great fun!
Thanks for all your amazing work!!
Oh Britt, I’m so sorry this has happened. I don’t understand how anyone could feel good about a LO they’ve done with pirated stuff. You are such a doll and go above and beyond with your generosity. I brag on you to my hubby all the time about how talented you are and what a sweetheart you are, you’re my girl! Chin up Babe, know we love you and support you. Don’t you worry, instant karma will do it’s job.
Oh man!! That totally sucks!! What losers. 🙁 Seems like it is happening so much anymore, so sad that people feel ok doing things like that.
As for the Disney challenges… I think that would be awesome!! 🙂
Oh Britt I am so sorry to hear that! I can’t believe that people are so shameless. Keep your chin up and keep doing a wonderful job. People like me and your other fan really appreciate the wonderful job you do.
Big Hugs
Oh Britt, I’m so sorry to hear this. Your work is so wonderful…. and you don’t deserve to have it pirated. I hope you don’t let it slow you down. You’re one of the few designers I buy downloads from.
Now, as far as the Disney page challenges… I’m all for that!! LOL! I’ve got six trips worth of pictures to work from. LOL!!!
Britt, I’m so sorry this has happened. With all you had going on, you were still so generous with me personally yesterday in awarding a prize to me for a challenge on the Dis Board. You are amazing.
Britt: I know it’s hard not to take everything personally. You just have to remember that world is made up of every type of person, and not every type of person is going to be someone as wonderful as you are. A lot of people get lost in this life. You just say a little prayer for them and move on. Plus, you know your Dis girls love to pieces!
This is the second blog post I’ve read (just today) about people being crappy! I just don’t don’t understand it and have recently grown VERY tired of it. I guess all I can do is be what I ought to be. I just love what you do and look forward to seeing new posts, not just the kits, but you do with them. Thanks so much for sharing your talent, even with the crappy people out there!
Oh, Britt, I’m so sorry to hear that your kit was STOLEN. That is just awful. I don’t get why people think that would be OK. I hope karma takes care of that situation for you soon!!
I’d love to see even more challenges here on your blog. You know I love the challenges! I love the plug for the DIS, too! Come join us over there folks, we’re a fun bunch!!
Oh, Brit, I’m so sorry to hear of the piracy! You are so generous and kind, and I just don’t understand people doing this to you. I come to your blog regularly, to read about your life, see your gorgeous layouts, and grab some gorgeous supplies. Please remember that for every pirate out there, there are those of us who are honest, appreciate you, and gladly purchase your products. Keep your chin up!
Aww, Britt…I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. It’s amazing how some people just have no morals.
And for the record, I am a Disney nut too and would love to participate in some challenges 🙂 I have 3 trips that have to be scrapped (and I bought all your kits to do it with!)
I just want to echo the sentiments of these other commenters… I’m soooo sorry this happened to you. You do work very hard and it’s evident in the fabulous kits you release. Thank you for always being so generous and uplifting and encouraging. So few can do what you do, or at least do it well. You’re awesome.
That’s just horrible. I just sent you an email, so I won’t chew your ear off twice, but I just wanted to lend my support publically here!
So sorry to hear about the stealing!! Hope that today is better for you!! I always look forward to your posts! (((hugs)))
That really does suck and it’s so unfair. It really sucks that there isn’t a way to really stop the whole pirating thing completely! And I also agree with the SYTYCD comments. I Tivoed it last night and haven’t watched it yet. Thanks again for all your awesome designs!
aw I’m sorry to hear that — some people just suck!!
And sadly it’s often easier for them to steal than it is for you to get the stolen stuff taken down. Or at least I know it’s been a pain in the butt for me to serve DMCAs to all the websites that have stolen my blog entries (of all things). But I wish you luck with it!!
Sorry sorry to hear that. You are one of my favorite designers. I love how you can do Disney classy! To show my appreciation of all that you do – i just went to Scrap matters and purchased HS Never Ends kit! Love Ya!
PS..I didn’t get the Broadway dance either!
Amen to what everyone else has said. It is just so insane to me that people would do this. How do they sleep at night?!?! Sheesh!
You are so AMAZING and SWEET and such an AWESOME designer. Thanks for all you do!
Britt, that’s just terrible!!! I made it known on the Disboards that this happened & it’s WRONG! You are truly generous and talented and I know that many many many of us appreciate all that you do (and will continue to pay for your beautiful stuff!!!)
So sorry to hear about what has happened to you Brittney. I know it isn’t much consolation but please know that there are many of us out here who truly appreciate your talent/freebies/work/designs and will continue to support you & purchase your kits.
It’s really sad the levels people will stoop to.I am sad! I appreciate your talent and the Disney freebies you share. Thank you for giving us digi scrappers/ Disney freaks a way to preserve our Disney memories with your beautiful work!
Ugh! I am so sorry about the piracy. It really is a sad, sad world these days. I’m glad you could at least console yourself with SYTYCD! I LOVE that show too! And, you totally called it. Suzy and Marquis are outta there.
Oh, Britt – I am so sorry this has happened to you. I wish that would not happen all over the place, but it does.
I know how long it takes to create a kit. I created one, shared it on my blog as a freebie…I had almost 2,000 downloads, but have only see a couple of LO’s people created with it. It was kinda sad…So, I don’t design anymore freebies and I am not good enough to sell them…I am just sharing this, because I feel your hurt – it does take a very long time to create a kit!
(((hugs))) and I hope that it will not happen to you again.
I’m so sorry Britt, you really are sooo GENEROUS!! I’m really glad you have so much support out there in the digi world, cause you really deserve it!!
SOOOO…sorry that you got taken! You are soo good and your hard work is obvious. I sure hope you keep making great stuff. There are bunches of us who LOVE your work! Best to you!
I am really sorry that has happened too you. I am new to the digiscraping and have really enjoyed your freebies! Thank you so much for all that you offer. I really love your products! I have also really enjoyed getting ideas and learning from such an experienced scrapper. Thanks again and i am sorry this has happened to you.
Dang… I’m sorry some dork is pirating your kit! I love that kit, and btw, paid for that kit, and have sent tons of people to your blog/store for it too. I hope the positives far outweigh the negatives. I love your stuff (and now that I know about blog following, I’ll never miss a freebie though I can’t promise I’ll always be able to afford to buy). I love your stuff. You do awesome work!