{staying positive}

I’ve been SUPER stressed, busy, and overwhelmed with work and stuff ever since I’ve been back from Disneyland. All I want to do is pack up the car again and GO BACK. So . . . in an attempt to get over this stress and post-vacations blues, I’m going to try to STAY POSITIVE. It has to be a conscious choice for me. I really hate to admit this, but I don’t think I’m a natural optimist. I have to make an effort to be one. For example, my original idea was to make a blog post about all the things that were stressing me out and making me frustrated these days. BUT that won’t help me. What WILL help is to focus on the things that make me happy.

– Simple pleasures: my Disney daily tear away calendar. Christian & Marci gave it to me for Christmas and I really do love it. Its fun to see new Disney pictures, quotes and movie facts every day.

– My lunch date with Josh in 2 hours. I’m really looking forward to it. I think I just get a little cooped up working from home.

– Looking forward to the Speed Scrap tonight. (7:30 Mountain Time!! BE THERE!)

– Pretending like The Bachelor “After the Final Rose” never happened. I’m decided to believe that it ended happily ever after with the finale.

– Looking forward to going to a matinee of “Confessions of a Shopaholic” with my mom tomorrow.

Wow – this is harder than it seems. I can think of a 100 stupid things that are bugging me, making me blue, stressing me out.

ANYWAY – let me show you some of my recent scrapbook pages and tell you about some fun challenges and new kits. That’s something that makes me happy.

Ok – so before my Disneyland trip remember how I mentioned that I had one last page in my Jan. ’07 trip album that I couldn’t post because the kit hadn’t come out yet. Well – it was released while I was gone so I can post my page now!!! Srsly you guys,
this kit is BEYOND cute. It’s called “Little Mermaid” by DeCrow Designs. You all know me an my love of mermaids!!!!!



Isn’t it a cute kit?! I really love it.

Did you hear we have a new designer at ScrapMatters? My girl Megan Turnidge (its pronounced MEEEGAN, like vegan, just so you know) just opened up shop yesterday!! All her stuff is 30% off right now in celebration!! Including her two new kits!!

The first is called “iBot” and this is what I scrapped with it!!


And the second is called “Funky Love {Refunkified}“. It’s a remake of her first-ever kit. It’s seriously SOOOO cute!


So – if you want any of Megan’s awesome cute stuff for 30% off, go get it now!!!

I scrapped this page using some new products from Mira Designs. She’s got some awesome new Date Stamps and Flower Frames out this week. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE date elements. So I was super excited about this new stuff!!!


New Challenges:

Tangie Baxter is hosting a new challenge at ScrapbookGraphics all about using “digital stamps”. It’s fun!!! Here is my page:


I’m hosting a new “Everyday Magic” challenge. It’s a challenge to scrap your favorite view from inside your house!! Here is my page:


I’m also hosting a new “My Story Matters” challenge where we’re scrapping about the place we grew up. Here is mine:


There’s a new “Past Matters” challenge that’s just gone up today. The challenge is to scrap about someone in your heritage who you’ve learned something from. I chose my Grandpa. Here is my page:


And finally – a new “Matter of Taste” challenge. This month we’re doing “quick and easy” recipes. Perfect for me!! I can always use more of those!!


Alright – I think this post really did brighten my mood a bit. Even though it took a really long time to code and put together!! HAHA

Hope to see lots of you at the Speed Scrap tonight! BYE for now.

15 thoughts on “{staying positive}”

  1. Hey, Britt! Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all you do for SM. I’m sure the DS contest is adding it’s fair share of stress. I know it’s hard to return from a wonderful vacation and get slammed with life. Sending positive thoughts your way. I hope you’re able to squeeze in time for yourself.

  2. Hope you’re feeling less stressed soon, Britt.

    Just wanted to say WOW at the view from your house! All I can see is my neighbours so I’m very jealous!

  3. awww hun its ok to embrace the stress once in awhile. Not that Im not for being postitive, but acknowledging the stress and breathing deep can help sometimes too :O) big hugs – im sure youll catch up soon!

  4. Britt—You are SOOO amazing and you brighten so many people’s lives you don’t even know. That should be on your list of positive things! Your so incredible…I know you put lots of stress on yourself to get everything done and WOW look at all those scrapbook pages and memories. Absolutely beautiful! I am always jealous of your creativity. Take a day off, will ya, and just stay home and relax! Or get a massage!!!!

  5. Okay, well, now I’m stressed after looking at all of these LOs you’ve done!!! You’ve been busy!

    Hopefully, a good Speed Scrap will do the trick–see you there!

  6. Seriously girl… you hav ebe a busy little scrapper!! How can we keep up!! –grin– HA HA!!

    WE LOVE YOU!!! (Does that make you feel a ‘widle’ bit better?)

  7. WOWZERS!!! Lovin all of those LOs Britt! You are so awesome. Great blog post too… and I’m with you on the Bachelor… freaking “After the Final Rose!!!!”

  8. Incredible pages as always. How funny that i just 3 days ago took a picture from my loft window, I’ll try to jump on that challenge.

    I went to the Burger Bar last summer, we’d seen in on “Triple D” and had to stop in when we drove through from Bear Lake to SLC. YUM!

    Cheer up, just start planning your next Dis trip that always helps 🙂

  9. I just wanted you to know that I love your blog, products, and all things scrapbook that you create. I check it out whenever a new post pops up in my Google Reader. You are so creative! Thanks for being you 🙂

  10. I’m so glad that you blogged about all these great things (and the awesome LO’s!) because you brightened my day for sure!
    🙂 HUGS. Hope that things pick up for you soon.

  11. Your LOs are amazing Britt!!

    Good on you for trying to stay positive – I really believe in that. I also love the saying “this too shall pass” – because it does. Hang in there!

  12. Something Wilde

    Britt, this so surprises me! I have always thought you were a very optimistic person…must be all those smiling Disney photos!!! You’re great and we all love you!

  13. SunnySavannah

    Nothing like the after Disney blues… The best cure is to start planning the next trip! 🙂

  14. No reason to be blue if your are TOTALLY AWESOME LIKE YOU!!!!! Seriously, I know everyone will agree with me! Glad to see you are counting your blessings, naming them one by one. That’s the best thing to do. Then relax, all the stress will eventually just go away. REally!
    I love love love you. You are fabulous and darling and fun and my very very good friend! The end.

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