{new release Friday!}

Good morning and happy Friday! I’ve got a new template pack to release today, so let’s get right to it!

“Hang’ Em High Templates 2”

I decided it was time for another round of one of my best-selling template packs, the original “Hang “em High Templates”. This new set is based on a few of my own LOs as well as one that is a new invention. 🙂 I hope you like ’em! Here is what I scrapped with them:

{credits here}

And here are the creations the Britt Girls have cooked up!

OK – are we ready for the Show Offs?

A smallish week of LOs, but all of them just beautiful. Thanks so much for Showing Off everyone! Please enjoy my new “Hang ‘Em High Templates 2” as your gift this week. Watch your email inboxes for that download.

Well – I’m going to head back to bed I think. Or at least to the couch. I still feel crappy and tired. I soooooooo don’t want to be sick!!! ARGH!!!!!! Hope you all have a great weekend and a VERY happy Easter. See you ’round!!

6 thoughts on “{new release Friday!}”

  1. Krisi and Adam

    So much fun. Love those templates (vol. 1 is one of my favorites) and the layouts that the britt girls created are as always fabulous.

    Hope you are feeling better – get some rest we will all be here!

  2. Thanks for the show off gift. I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. 🙂

  3. I totally forgot about showoffs! I am so very extremely excited about the template pack! I love it, thank you so much. Hope you feel better soon. Happy Easter.

  4. Congrats on your new Britt Girls and your wonderful new templates. 🙂

    I’ll be gone for a bit for work, but will be back soon!

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