Well, everything went perfectly at Josh’s LASIK surgery this morning. He already can see TONS better, albeit a little hazy which they said was to be expected. With relatively little pain, Josh has MUCH better vision just like that! LASIK = a modern marvel.

We’re so happy we were able to save our money and do this for him. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for him since we’ve been together. I’m just thrilled he’s finally done it. It almost doesn’t even seem real. Like this guy sitting behind me watching a soccer game on the TIVO just had this awesome surgery that has changed his life. AWESOME!!

I’ll take him to his follow up appointment tomorrow morning, but so far, everything is going perfectly. Thank you so much for all the prayers and sweet messages you guys sent in! It’s so nice to have so much support out there.

We do have his surgery on DVD, so if anyone wants to see it, I guess I could upload it. I didn’t actually plan on watching them do it, but it wasn’t as gross as I thought it would be, and a nice nurse sat next to me and explained everything they were doing so I did watch the whole thing on the big monitors they have set up. It was actually pretty fascinating.
I’m off to make dinner now, see you guys later!
OH and I SWEAR I haven’t forgotten about my trip re-cap posts. I just haven’t had any time! Between getting my new products for Friday ready, LASIK, and CT work, I haven’t had a chance to write it. My last post took me over two hours to do, so I just have to find a nice chunk of time and do it. Hang in there though, I haven’t forgotten!!!
So glad to hear everything went well! Cool that you got to watch, I don't think I could but my DH would be all over watching, lol.
so very glad it went off without a hitch. this is gonna change his life forever!
Glad everything went well. Kev wants Lasik so bad – someday it will happen. When we move back I think we will save up for it.
SO SO GLAD That everything worked out so well. And your report of the whole day was so entertaining…
So glad he did it. And Hoopes is a great place. I got mine there and have been AMAZED!! I never thought I could do it (or that my DH could watch). But I did it and he watched and it was truly the BEST gift I've ever gotten – Mother's Day 2008!! Wish Josh the best! I'm pretty sure it will go well. Hoopes is awesome! (recognized the dr and the treats they give you at the end).
YAY! Will continue to pray for a speedy healing!
So glad it went smoothly and things are looking great!! Congrats to him!! Someday I hope to do that… sigh… oh to wake up and just SEE!!
I'm glad everything went well!
How cool you got to watch and the nurse explained it all (well, I'm not sure I would have watched, ewww, but still, it's nice you had the option!)!
So glad all went well! Congrats Josh! You'll have to do a special page about tossing the glasses! 🙂
I can't wait for more WDW recaps but I totally understand about finding the time. I'm just now finishing up on my blog about our trip to CA in JULY! lol
Loved the new kit btw! Adorable!
I love the recap and pictures! so glad that Josh is on his way to perfect vision! Did he go to Hoopes Vision?
i'm so glad it went well and i LOL'd at the halloween deco's and Josh chillin' with the skeleton before the op.