Hello world! We’re back from Orlando! And we survived our nice long trip! Barely. NO I’m kidding. We had an incredible time. Many of you followed along on twitter so you know all about it. But we really did have an amazing time.
We were lucky enough to be there during record highs in heat and humidity!! I don’t know how people actually LIVE in that weather! It was awful!! But despite the heat, we were so glad we went. It was quite an incredible trip.
I spent all day yesterday sleeping and putting my swollen feet up. I still don’t feel like I’m back to normal life yet, my suitcase is sitting here completely untouched. But oh well!
I’ll work on some posts recapping our trip, but until then, I have some Show Offs today. Since I was on vacation, make sure, if your LO isn’t in the slideshow or you don’t receive your gift email from me today, that you email and let me know. There’s a chance I missed one or two.
I don’t have any new products, so this week’s show offs are getting their choice of gifts from the past . . .
They can choose 1 of the following:

“Delicate Mickey Sprinkles” (not avail. in my shop)
or . . .
Show Offs: the choice is yours!!
Well, that’s it from me today. I promise to have fun new stuff for next Friday! I’m actually pretty excited to get back to work and create something fun. And be sure to check back for posts and pics from my Disney World trip!
See you later!!
I am excited to see and hear about your trip! We leave in 5 days, so hopefully we won't experience QUITE the tropical weather you had!!! Great photo!!!
Seems like every time I go to Disney World they are having record high temps and humidity. We went last May and the temps were like 10 degrees hotter than usual for that time.
Can't wait to see pics – I forgot to follow you on Twitter. 🙁
Welcome back!! I had fun reading your tweets! 🙂
I can't believe I forgot to send you a page for the showoff! :-/ I do hope the Fanatic Alpha goes to your shop soon!
Thank so much for offering a choice for Show Offs..love it when that happens!! =) I'm so glad you had a fantastic trip and that I got to "go with you" sort of. I almost feel like I had a vacation….ALMOST! LOL! Can't wait to see your new layouts!! Have an awesome weekend!
Glad you had fun, I can't wait to hear all about it!! Also can't wait to see what you create, you always have awesome kits after you get back from Disney!! 🙂
So glad you are back!! I didn't realize you were still doing show-offs so I didn't want to flood your email!! LOL So what did you think of that southern heat and humidity?! I know, when's Fall coming?! Does it come? Im so glad that you had a blast there, survived the heat and had a safe trip back home! Can't wait to see all your fabulous layouts of your first visit there!
Welcome home!!
I'm so jealous!!! It's THE dream of my life: visit Mickey paradise in Orlando!! Fortunately, I have Disneyland Paris really near the house (in 2 hours!) and I visit the french Mickey next month: maybe I'll think of you!! lol
I'm very impatient to see your LOs!
THat is the cutest pic of you and Josh in front of the Castle…frameworthy for sure! We missed you! Now you know what Texas Heat and humidity feel like!
Glad to see you guys had a fab time! 🙂
welcome back! that was a fun and full report as I've been following your tweets regarding the WDW trip; honestly residing in FL, I can't even tolerate the humidity here @__@ (mid-october and not one bit of temperature drop??) but glad to know you had fun =D! Can't wait for the detailed EPCOT report!
haha…I live in Florida and have all my life…the humidity is awful, you right, you did hit it right in the hot season too..lol..best time to go is in Dec. its cooler and so pretty for Christmas!! I bet you loved it though! It is my favorite place in all the world, and I am very nicely passing that love on to my kids 😀