3 days!?!

BAH!!! How did this happen? I was so focused on Christmas, I pretty much haven’t had a moment to think about the fact that we’re leaving for a trip to Disneyland in just three days! Josh’s parent’s are taking the whole fam to the Happiest Place on Earth as our Christmas gift this year. I’m SO EXCITED!! I haven’t been there since last March, so I’m sort of going through withdrawal. Yes, yes, I know, I went to Disney WORLD this fall, but its not the same. I miss my Disneyland.

But that’s not even the reason I popped in to make a post. I just wanted to explain . . . the day after Christmas I got sick. I think I caught a flu bug or something. But basically I’ve been in bed ever since. Today is the first day I’ve woken up and actually felt like it was possible to get on the computer and try to get a little bit caught up!! I’m trying not to panic and just let myself rest, but all I can think about is not getting better in time for our trip.

So – while I think I CAN manage to get the Show Offs done this Friday, I highly doubt there will be any new products to reveal. But I guess you never know. So – while my blog and shop might be a little boring for another week or so, just know that I’m trying to get better for our trip!

I will be twittering the trip!! So, if you followed my twitters during our Disney World trip, you know how much fun it was. If you didn’t follow, you should start! Twittering a Disney trip turned out to be quite a fun adventure last time, and I’m sure it will be very fun this time around as well. You don’t even have to have sign up for a twitter account to read the twitters.

Ok – I am starting to get a chill. Gotta go get my new Snuggie (birthday present from Josh) and my new slippers (Christmas present from my cousin, Morgan). See you on Friday for Show Offs just before I shove off for California!! (cross your fingers I’m feeling healthy by then!!)

5 thoughts on “3 days!?!”

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry for you! Please don't even worry about show offs this week. I'm sure no one would mind if you waited till next week. You need to get well.

    I'll say a prayer for your speedy recovery so you can enjoy your trip. I just don't get Twitter, but I might pop by to see how it's going. lol. We live an hour away and haven't been in over a year. We miss it!

  2. skip the show offs- we'll be fine ! 🙂 have a speed y recovery and fun trip. Tho I am def jealous lol

  3. I'm glad your are starting to feel better. It's an awful time to be sick. I know b/c I was sick AT Disney World!! It was awful. I got sick at the Very Merry Christmas party on a Sunday night and we missed a WHOLE day of park because of it. I can't say I am disappointed b/c we made so much of the other days even while I was sick. LOL.

    I was thinking for our next trip that we'd try out Disneyland sometime next year. We went to Disney World twice in 2009, they were both wonderful trips but we need to try something new next time.

    I'm off to add you to my twitter so I can follow all the fun details of your trip. HAVE A BLAST!

  4. hope you feel better soon Britt!! being sick on vacation is no bueno. can't wait to follow your tweets while you are in my hood and i am pretty sure you have passes to DL, but make sure everyone else gets there tickets early cause the park has been selling out (or close too) all week!! its been crazy here! hoping to go next week sometime myself, so i hope you have a fabulous time!

  5. SO JEALOUS of your trip…so sad for your sickness. I KNOW how you feel. 🙂

    Hope that you have a GREAT WONDERFUL FABULOUS time at DL!!

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