Our Christmas Card

My Christmas cards went out last week, so all my friends and loved ones should have received them by now. I didn’t want to post it here too soon and ruin the surprise. Anyway – MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my loyal blog readers.

It’s so fun to be able to send you Christmas wishes with a digital card! hehe Yet another reason digi-scrap is the best!

Hope you’re all enjoying this week leading up to the big day!! We sure are. We had a very fun holiday party at my mom’s house last night to exchange presents with my aunt and uncle and all their kids. My mom made the YUMMIEST “Holiday Soup” in bread bowls. MMMM. And I made Christmas themed Bakerella-style “Cupcake Bites”. I was SUPER PROUD of them – they were 100% adorable and 100% delicious. Everyone was singing my praises. hahah It was awesome. And I got to use the new cupcake stand (I’ve been wanting one FOREVER) that I got for my birthday from my little brother, Cameron!

For anyone who wants to try making these, they are definitely easy but time consuming. So, just give yourself plenty of time.

I saved a few to take to a neighbor and to our landlords. I hope they like ’em too.

I also got ALL my wrapping done yesterday too, so now when people ask “Are you ready for Christmas?” I can actually say YES!! HAHA How great is that?!

So – are you ready for Christmas?

6 thoughts on “Our Christmas Card”

  1. I love the little cupcakes! Kari made them one time and they do take FOREVER but they are adorable! I'm sure they were the hit of the party! Merry Christmas!!

  2. Ok…I have so much to say about this post-I hope I remember it all.

    First, your card is so great! And why can't I be as photogenic as you! You and Josh are like Gap Commercial worthy. 🙂

    Second, congrats on the addorable treats! (I have a major beef about time consuming goodies-I'll save that story for our "friendy" blog)

    Last, I am super jealous that you are done. I am waiting for paint to dry as I type…I absolutely dread staying up late on C-Mas eve!! So Good work!!

    Sorry for the mega-long comment, I miss you a little bit! Could you tell, LOL!!

  3. Love your card Britt!! I hope you had a merry Christmas!! Those cupcakes look fantastic (and great photos of them!!).

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