Art Journal Caravan

First of all – Happy Groundhog’s Day!!

Gotta love Bill Murray. I love this movie. In fact, I just added it to our Netflix instant queue so we can watch it tonight in honor of the holiday!

At the beginning of the year I joined Tangie Baxter’s Art Journey Caravan. Some of you have maybe seen some of my art journal pages in the galleries. When I joined, I wasn’t even sure what an Art Journal was, but I thought it seemed like a lot of fun and something challenging and fun to try.

I learned that art journaling doesn’t really have any rules. You do whatever you want. You just CREATE. You can use it to doodle, record your thoughts, the events of your day, or just use it as a creative outlet. Digital, paper, hybrid, whatever you want. I was extremely inspired by Teesha Moore. Teesha is an artist who is pretty much the art journal queen. She doesn’t do digital at all. Her style and method totally spoke to me. I watched her youtube videos about how to make her “Amazing 16 Page Journal” and the videos showing the process of an art journal page. They were totally helpful and made me realize that each page is just for FUN. They don’t have to be some symbolic permanent work of art.

I plan on making both digital and paper art journals. In fact, Josh and I are BOTH creating art journals. We just finished creating and painting our “Amazing 16-Page Journals”. It’s a VERY fun project to be doing together. Here’s my painted journal so far (and you can see Josh’s in the background).

I can’t wait to keep working on it and turn it into a real art journal.

Anyway – Tangie’s Art Journal Caravan is incredibly inspiring journey! And its totally not too late to join! You can join any time. You get so much amazing stuff when you buy a membership. But the best thing is you get access to the private Caravan forum where there are book reviews, tip, tricks, and tons of inspiration. I am seriously having the best time.

Here are the pages I’ve created digitally so far. I hope you’ll enjoy looking through them and that if you have any interest in art journaling you’ll just take the leap and try it!! I never thought I’d be able to do this but turns out – I can! And it’s sooooo fun!!!!


Have great day.

3 thoughts on “Art Journal Caravan”

  1. For Every Occasion

    Lovin' the art journal! I can't stand to watch the movie "Groundhog Day"! It drives me nuts and I have never been able to finish it. Maybe one day…

  2. I really love these. So creative and unique. I especially like the frog one. I wish I had time to do this. Someday I might give it a try, but for now, really enjoying your creations!

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