new kit! WOO HOO!

Hey there everybody! I have a new kit today and I’m really lovin’ it!

Isn’t it fun!?! Here’s the page I scrapped with it!

And check out the inspiration from the britt girls!!

I hope you are just smilin’ ear to ear after seeing “Toothy” and all those awesome layouts!

Now – let’s enjoy this week’s Show Offs!

Thanks for all the Show Offs this week. Each of you are getting a coupon code good for one free Word Art pack from my store! So watch your email inboxes.

Would you like to Show Off and get free stuff too?? Well, read all about how it works at the bottom of THIS POST, and then start sending in those Show Offs!

And that’s it from me today. Short & sweet. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

3 thoughts on “new kit! WOO HOO!”

  1. Hey Britt!

    This is awesome cuz I get my braces off on Monday! I'm lucky I only had to wear them a year. Now no more Disney trips having to carry all of my brace care kits and stuff!

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