Hi there everyone! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday today with your friends and family.
After the turkey, the naps, and the football are over make sure you stop by Britt-ish Designs on Black Friday!

With the deepest discounts offered all year, Black Friday is guaranteed to be a blast at Britt-ish Designs!
Tomorrow morning, I’ll start giving out some special codes (with a limited number of uses) on my Facebook and Twitter pages. Make sure you act fast to be one of the lucky ones who gets to use the codes!! Several codes will go out throughout the morning.
Shh. . . here’s a hint: If I were you, I’d be online & ready for the “code action” to begin sometime around 7:00 am MST.
I’ll also have an AWESOME new grab bag in the shop!!! At only $3.00, it’s a steal!
Not to mention my entire shop is going to be 40% off (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only).
A fun new blog challenge (with a BIG prize) will also premiere tomorrow!
There’s so much going on! Lots of prizes, discounts and scrapping fun. I can’t wait!!!
See you at midnight for the big kick-off!!
Now, I gotta get back to watching the Macy’s Thankgiving Day parade. It’s one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving!!!
This sounds AMAZING! Can't wait to see all that you have planned! Happy Thanksgiving!
Kim S. (aka carolinagirl)
Oooh! Isnt it 12 MT time right now!?! Can't wait!