o christmas tree

We got our tree up this week. We do the REAL tree thing. It’s so fun! A mess? Sure. Pricey? Yep! A pain to water. You bet. But, who cares!? Nothing beats a real Christmas tree.

We got our tree at Home Depot this year. Josh had an extra $25 leftover on a Gift Card so it made our tree pretty cheap!!

We picked the most gorgeous tree (its not the one Scarlett and I are standing in front of in that photo above).

But by the time we got our tree home and fed the baby dinner, there wasn’t time to decorate, so the decorations had to wait til the next day.

But I did get all the lights on that night, after the baby went to bed. Putting the lights on the tree is definitely the most boring/tedious part of trimming the tree. But one of the most important. I use 6 strands! 1200 lights. Boom baby. Mama likes a lotta lights!!!!

Decorating together as a family the next night was really fun. It’s so special to do these things together as a family for the first time.

Seeing Scarlett’s eyes light up at each ornament we show her is seriously the best. And she did NOT want to be left out for second. We had to put her in the Snugli so she could be right in the middle of the action.

Here’s a little video I took on my phone that shows how excited she was. I don’t think she ever stopped kicking her little legs for more than a couple seconds.

(We listened to a lot of Christmas music as we decorated, but during that video you could hear the David Archuleta Christmas album. I highly recommend it.)

And last, but not least, my fave photo of the night . . .

I haven’t taken photos of the finished tree yet, but when I do, I’ll be sure to share.

9 thoughts on “o christmas tree”

  1. What a beautiful family Christmas moment for you, documented well for Scarlett to see when she grows up 🙂

  2. Seriously, Brit!!!! Could Scarlett be ANY CUTER????? Love seeing her adorable little face. Merry Christmas!

  3. Oh she IS so happy!!! Love hearing her excitement in your video! What a doll, Britt! You and Josh have to be on Cloud 9 all the time with her! =)Thanks for sharing it with us! =) Merry Christmas!!

  4. All of those pics are so precious! I love making Christmas memories. And your tree looked great when I came by the other day. Makes me think about getting a real tree next year.

  5. Jessica and Matt

    I just love your little family so much! I am terrible at keeping in touch but when I see you and your sweet, most perfectly round little Scarlett I just can't help but smile inside!

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