Well people – ask and ye shall receive! We heard your pleas for a Halloween Edition of Project Mouse and we were more than willing to oblige!!! I absolutely LOVE Halloween. And when you mix Halloween and Disney Parks together . . . fu-gedda-bout it!!! That’s just PERFECTION!
So, I’m thrilled to introduce you to . . .

Let me tell you about how this collection is organized – First we have the kit as you see above! It’s a GIANT pack of papers and a GIANT pack of elements and word art all packaged together as a kit.
When you purchase the kit, you get the alpha as a FREE BONUS!! Score!
You can purchase just the alpha if you want. But the alpha will automatically come in your downloads when you purchase the kit.

And OF COURSE there’s an incredible pack of journal cards!

And if you want it ALLLLLL, you can totally have it – at BIG discount!

OH!!! AND all these new releases (excluding the Bundle) are 20% off now through Sunday.
And at the end of today’s post there’s a FUN FREEBIE for you too. So read to the end!
But before we get to that, let me show you some sample layouts using this new collection.
Here’s my page! I was all too eager to scrap some of the pictures from our last trip to Disneyland. We attended Mickey’s Halloween Party and this collection was HUGELY inspired by our magical Halloween night.

And let me show you Krista Sahlin’s awesome pages too! She did a paper pocket style page AND a digital layout too.

Check out this awesome shot Krista took of her printed cards before they went into her Project Life page protector:
Don’t they look so purrrdy! She always makes me want to try printing and creating a physical paper layout.
And here is a LOT more eye-candy from the Britt Girls:

by Becca
by Chelle
by Denise
by Erica (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Fonnetta
by Holly
by Jan
by Jenn (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Julie
by Justine
by Kat
by Kelsy
by Melinda
by Melissa
by Natasha
by Susanne (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Teresa (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Wendy
Pretty inspiring, huh?
Okay – before I go, here’s that freebie I promised!

Enjoy and have a magical weekend!!
LOVE this! Thank you so much for the super cute journal cards too! <3
Thank you so much Britt! I love the entire pack! Freebie is perfect too!
Another awesome Project Mouse kit! Thank you for the adorable journal cards! 🙂
What an awesome project mouse! Thank you for the freebie cards!
Thank you for the freebies – going to purchase the bundle next 🙂 Beautiful as always!!
Awesome new pack- thank you very much for the freebie!
Adorable! Thanks so much
perfect kit for this month! thank you
LOVE disney at halloween! We were just there, so this is perfect. and thanks for the free cards!
Thank you so much! Always love your work 😀
I love it, thank you, thank you. Now, to find time to scrap.
omg ! these are too cute ! thanks a lot ! I share the link here : https://www.facebook.com/LMIlesptitscadeauxPL?ref=hl and there : http://pinterest.com/lemondedis/project-life-freebies/
Hi Britt! I am absolutely new to digital scrapbooking, but I just bought ALL of the project mouse bundles to get started! I am super excited! I have Photoshop Elements, but I was planning on using a photobook software program to design because it looks more user friendly. Can you tell me how to round the corners like I see in the samples? Thanks!!