Hello everyone!! Well . . . here I am working from home while my baby takes a nap and my 3 year old is at PRESCHOOL!!!! Yes, Scarlett started preschool this week and its still a little surreal. She’s getting so big! Here are a few pictures from her first day.

(I got my chalkboard sign on etsy – I know someone was going to ask!)
Ok – on to the reason for this post. The September Featured Product. This month we’re featuring . . .
When this kit was first released, it was actually part of The Digi Files. I love it because its so versatile. It ends up on a lot of my layouts – especially my travel layouts!! It seems I can always find something in this collection to put on my page.
ANNNNNND . . . I created a whole BRAND NEW pack of journal cards that coordinate with the kit. These are 30% off too!
Each month I go through the shop and feature one of my favorite products from the past. This month, we’re featuring “Are We There Yet?” and the new Card Collection 3×4 cards that match!! All month long this kit will be 30% off!! And . . . if you post a layout in my gallery using anything from Are We There Yet? (regardless of when you purchased it), and you might find yourself featured on my blog and perhaps get a little extra sumthin-sumthin as a bonus. To make sure I see your Featured Product layout, post it in my gallery and leave a comment here with a link to your page.
My Britt Girls have whipped up some fantastic new layouts using Are We There Yet? and the new cards as well!! Let me show you . . .
by Cami
I really loved this kit because of the colors that match perfectly with any trip I am going on.
by Erica
I love the map paper!! What a great color combination, it’s perfect for any destination layout.
by Kelsy
My favorite thing in this kit are the fun little scribble elements! They are perfect for adding a little something extra and work for almost any page.
by Melissa
by Justine
I love the license plates and postage stamps in this kit and there’s so many fun signs and map accessories, great for all sorts of trips.
by Julie
This kit has SO many possibilities! I loved using it for my Project Life the week we took a road trip vacation! But you can see the other “non-road” trip pics look fab with this kit too!
by Fonnetta
I love a good GO-TO travel kit and this kit is perfect for our families road trip adventures!
by Wendy
I love travel kits and the little flowers made from maps make this an all time favorite.
by Jan
What I love is the versatility – it can be used to make a page that’s either contemporary or traditional. And the colors are great!
by Melinda
The September featured products are 30% through the end of the month.
I used the kit mostly for it's papers on my cover page with a few other items. I hope that is okay
I found some time to play along this month!! http://www.brittishdesigns.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=4020
I enjoyed working with this kit even though my page isn't about a road trip. Here's what I came up with: http://www.brittishdesigns.com/gallery/displayimage.php?pid=4051