Subscribe. Buy month to month. Pick & choose your own packs. However you use My Year In Pockets, you’ll be happy to hear that 2016 has begun!!

my year in pockets: 2016 subscription

MYIP Subscribers get this new January kit, an exclusive newsletter and freebie included with ALL the MYIP products I release this year at a discounted price. But of course, it’s all in the shop individually too!

my year in pockets: “sparkle” | january 2016 (bundle)

my year in pockets: “sparkle” | january 2016 (cards)

my year in pockets: “sparkle” | january 2016 (embellishments)

my year in pockets: “sparkle” | january 2016 (papers)

my year in pockets: “sparkle” | january 2016 (templates)

my year in pockets: weekly card templates 2

my year in pockets: basic templates 2

The Britt Girls have really gone all out showing what this month’s collection can do!!

by Wendy

by Fonnetta

by Tanya

by Julie

by Erica

by Melissa

by Becca

by Cami

by Heather

by Kat

by Kelsy

by Melinda

by Jan

by Justine

Have a wonderful week. Mine is filled with a renewed zest to document the year! Hope yours is too.