Ask and ye shall, receive. Krista Sahlin and I have definitely heard your many requests for a runner’s version of Project Mouse, and while neither of us falls into that category ourselves, we knocked ourselves out trying to make the PERFECT running Project Mouse collection. But wait – not a runner?? Like I said, neither are we!! If the only thing you like to run toward is the churro cart – TRUST ME – we got you covered. (Be sure to scroll through the gorgeousness that is the Britt Girls layouts below to see what I mean.)
We hope you *ALL* love it!!

Project Mouse (Run): Word Bits
*:・゚✧ inspiration from the britt girls! *:・゚✧
by Tanya
by Heather
by Justine
by Jan
by Kelsy
by Melinda
by Natasha
by Fonnetta
by Wendy
by Becca
by Julie
by Kathleen Summers (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Lynette Wilkins (Sahlin Studio Team)
by sucali (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Elisa Hubbard (Sahlin Studio Team)
by Theresa Moxley (Sahlin Studio Team)
Love all this inspiration!
You guys made such a fabulous run (and non-run!) kit! Honored that you featured my page on your blog and email blast! 🙂
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