Hey, friends!!! Have you ever dreamt of attending one of Tangie Baxter’s Art Journaling the Magic live retreats?? Have you already signed up, but still have questions about what to expect?
This coming Wednesday, July 25th, at 6:30pm MST (8:30 EST/5:30 PST) Tangie and I are holding a live Q&A session all about Art Journaling the Magic! Come and pick our BRAINS!!! Go to journalingthemagic.com for more details and to get the link to join the webinar.

I am THRILLED that Tangie has asked me to be a guest teacher at the upcoming December (at WDW) and January (at Disneyland) retreats!! AHH!!! SO exciting. It’s my hope that some of my online friends and customers will join us on this journey! Wouldn’t it just be an absolute dream to hang out at a Disney park and do ART together?!
Did I mention there will be prizes AND downloadable freebies at the Q&A?! Uhhhhh YEAH!
Even if you’re just curious about what Art Journaling the Magic is – come hang out on Zoom with us on Wednesday night, July 25th!! See you there!
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