How we told my family

We were trying to think of a fun & special way to tell my family about being pregnant. We didn’t want to wait TOO long because they knew we’d been having trouble and we didn’t want them worrying longer than was necessary. Since two of my brothers, and my SIL and their girls were all living in California for the summer for work, we decided we’d tell them at Bear Lake on the first evening because we’d be ALL together.

My mom always told me that she wanted to know first and that I couldn’t tell other people before I told her. So we had to think of a way that was technically telling her first, but so everyone else would find out too.

I had bought my mom these really cute notecards at the Disney Store because they were on clearance for $1.99, so we decided I’d be like “Oh hey mom I have these cute Mickey cards I bought you for 1.99! They are so cute.” And then slip the picture of me and Josh holding up the pregnancy test in with the cards. (the picture in the post just before this one) I knew she’d want to look at every card, but you do hear me in the video say “You have to look at each one, they are so cute”. I guess I was just nervous she’d miss it or something. Josh was in charge of setting the camera inconspicuously on the table so it would record everything!

Anyway – we waited until after dinner and everyone was gathered around the pavilion area and then set the plan in motion. Sadly, one of my brothers, Scotty, walked away to the bathroom right as I handed the cards to mom so he sort of missed it but you hear him at the end of the video when he comes back and find out what happened and give a big “WOO HOO!”. It’s funny! But other than that, the plan worked perfectly!

Anyway – here’s the video. My aunt and cousins and our family friends that we go to Bear Lake with every year are all in video too. So there’s lots of people. It was such a special moment and I’m so happy the video worked and we got it all. Hope you like it!

OH and I did get permission from my mom to post this video. haha! So don’t worry!

68 thoughts on “How we told my family”

  1. Oh my cuteness! Your family is so adorable. I'm totally crying now. Probably because I'm pregnant too (due right after you!) and my hormones are all over the place. 🙂 What a cute way to tell your family!

  2. Oh my goodness Britt! Your family is so loving and supportive! I was getting teary-eyed! 🙂 Your mom is adorable. I'm sure you know how very lucky you are to have such wonderful supporters! 🙂

  3. congratulations! now you have soooooo much scrapping to do in the coming months and years! you'll NEVER catch up! lol. that was so neat to watch your mom get so happy and excited, since she had been waiting to hear that news first! you did it perfectly! God bless and I will be praying for you to have a safe and beautiful rest of the pregnancy and labor and delivery! treasure these special times, as i am sure you will!

  4. Thank you for sharing such a personal moment with all of us! Your mother's reaction is absolutely priceless – it is the PERFECT expression of unabandoned joy and happiness!

  5. OH my goodness I totally bawled while watching your video! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! I know how hard the getting pregnant struggle is and seriously i am sooooooooo happy for you!

  6. Thank you for sharing that video, it was so cute that your mom jumped up and down! Congrats again!

    Julie (liriel)

  7. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful moment with us. I have tears streaming down my face!!! Your mom is adorable!

  8. Oh my god, that's so cute!

    Now I have tears in my eyes too, because the reactions of your mom and the rest of your family…

    By the way: it's nice to hear your voice. It totally rounds up the picture of you!


  9. Thanks for sharing !!! I loved the picture of You and Josh with the prego stick !! And what a perfect way to tell your family !!! Tear-jerker really 🙂

  10. I'm sitting here watching and crying with you and your mom!!! That's so awesome, and again, thanks for sharing such a wonderful moment with us 🙂 Congrats again!

  11. Your mother's expression was priceless and just adorable!! What a wonderful moment to share. Bask in all the glory that comes with pregnancy!! Blessings to you and your family!

  12. icedlatteprincess:)

    OMGosh Britt…I lost it sobing when your Mom realized!!! The joy and excitement on her face was BEAUTIFUL! What a special moment for you and all your family and a treasure for you baby…to just know how much he?she was loved and wanted by all! Congrats again & God bless you and Joshthrough this amazing time!!!!

  13. Oh my – I cried immediately and oh my gosh this makes me miss my mom. I'm so happy for you Britt. Truly. Amazing wonderful video.

  14. That made me cry! Your mom's reaction was amazing. It reminded me of when I showed my mom our son's referral photo. Her scream is still ringing in my ears over 4 years later. Congratulations sweetie!

  15. First of all: CONGRATULATION to the proud futurs parents!:)
    I'm so happy for you, it sort of strange, because, we didn't know each other, I live in France and I didn't have any occasion to meet you for real but I'm a big fan of your products and little by little, I get use to read your blog and so on…
    And now I just feel so happy even if I don't know you for real.
    The video makes me cry, your family looks so lovely, supportive and happy. Your mum's reaction is so adorable.
    I hope being pregnant next year and dream for a moment like this.:)
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
    I wish you tons of happiness and love.
    I'm pretty sure, you 'll have plenty of new idea of scrap's
    And a special thank to your mum who let you publish her reaction, she is so cute, really.
    Best wishes and take care of you
    Emily (your french fan :p)

  16. Your Mom is so cute! I love her reaction…I have always said your family looks like the most fun. You can tell how much they all love you. I am so happy you are finally getting to enjoy this. You will be the best parents.

  17. OK, I'm balling my eyes our right now with your mom! How tender! And I love how excited EVERYONE in your family was for you…your dad and your brothers…this little baby is already so cherished! Congratulations again little mama! You may need to name her DISNEY!

  18. Oh Britt that was so cute! Your Mom's reaction was priceless and so cute how she had to look at it twice to really get it! You had me tearing up! Congrats again!

    And BTW you and you Mom look so much alike! Such cuties!

  19. Aw, congrats, Britt! Thanks for sharing the fun video of your mom and family's reaction! My fam has a cabin at Bear Lake that we go to all the time, and it's a great place to share those kinds of memories! Make sure Josh pampers you! Prayers and thoughts for you and Josh for a healthy pregnancy and delivery as you prepare for your little miracle! 🙂

  20. Your Mom's reaction and her expression changing as she realized is absolutely priceless! I found out about my second granddaughter at Easter. My son and daughter-in-law hid eggs with our names on them. I opened mine to find a baby bib that said 'I love Grandma'! I saw in your Mom the same slight delay as it registered what was going on! I love the video and after watching it twice I'm still crying! Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful moment! Congrats to all!!

  21. Ok, I had to watch this 3 times and just cried with joy for you! Your Mom is just precious and reacted about the same as my Mom after we tried for 10 years and then announced we were adopting a baby girl. This is SUCH a precious video! Thank you for sharing it. I can't wait until I get a call from our adoption agency and I get to break the news to my Mom again! =) I'm so happy for you and your hubby AND your whole family!! =)

  22. Congratulations! What a wonderful keepsake memory you have in that video! You couldn't have filmed your mom's reaction any better. Wow! I'm off to go wipe my eyes … I cry at anything like this. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  23. That is such a wonderful video, the moment when your mum clicks is so precious, I wish I had that moment captured from when I told my mum and sister.

    Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy,

  24. Britt, that's so special that you got to share your news that way & got it on video too! I love your plan for finding a way to tell your mom first. She's so adorable! I just love her reaction! Congratulations again to you both! (and to your mom! 🙂 )

  25. That is so cute! We told our parents in a Valentines card (roses are red, violets are blue, ask us when the baby is due) and my mom totally missed the point so we had to explain it LOL I'm so happy for you. Enjoy this time with your hubby, it's so exciting and being pregnant is such an awesome feeling.

  26. Ahhhh so darn cute, what a great video! Congrats to you and Josh and your family! Will be fun to see all the future layouts and kits!

  27. Amazing! What a magical moment! I love your mom's expression it's priceless. I cried too watching it! Thank you for sharing your special moment.

  28. HA that is SO AWESOME you got it on the video!!! Your mom is so cute! She had no idea it was coming and was all nonchalantly… oh this is cute… wait… what? HAHA I LOVE IT! YAY! I love baby surprises. hehe

  29. Totally just bawled through the whole thing. Just like when you told me 🙂 I'm such a bawl baby. Your mom's reaction is pricless. I just loved watching her open the cards. I got all nervous while watching it LOL! I bet your mom already has lots of cute things picked out for this little bundle of joy. AND I loved your sweet little niece yelling "Brittney's going to have a baby!" So cute! Is the Eden? Man she's big!

  30. That was probably the cutest thing I have seen in a long time…and what an awesome thing to be able to share with the baby 🙂

  31. Oh, Gosh…BRITT!!!! I started watching & the moment your mom stopped & looked up @ you I started crying. I know that feeling. Just the bond between a girl & her mom sharing that very first moment of realization. It's priceless. I am SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY for you (and Josh). Congratulations! I hope your pregnancy continues to go well. Hooray for babies 😀

  32. Congratulations! What a creative way of letting everyone know! Your mom was cute. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  33. It is awesome that you got this sweet moment on video. The look on your mom's face made me tear up. Praying for an uneventful pregnancy and a healthy baby.

  34. Britt, that was so awesome and brought tears to my eyes!! I only know you through this blog and your designing, but I am SO happy for you!! Thanks for sharing!

  35. Josh, Morgan, and Our Kids

    So so COOL! Wish we could have been there too! But I'm determined to be there for the birth! 🙂 Your mom's reaction is priceless!

  36. I cried!
    I'm so happy for you and your whole family- yay for a new addition! Your new little addition and it couldn't be a luckier baby. Awww! I'm gushing. Your mom is adorable, btw.

  37. I'm getting all misty–and I don't even know you!!! Beautiful video celebrating a beautiful occasion. Congratulations, and all the best to you.

  38. Ahhh Britt. I am such a sap and was crying and laughing so hard at your Mom's reaction! Then, I am assuming that is your adorable niece, chimes in and my heart just melted! Congrats and cheers for an easy pregnancy!

  39. I have tears rolling down my face! The happiness and excitement your mom showed was soooo magical! 🙂 You will cherish this for the rest of your life–so happy you got it on film. What a wonderful family you have! Congratulations again!

  40. It's PERFECT!
    I was crying like I was actually there with you.
    I'm still so so excited for you…and I feel pretty darn special that I got to hear it straight from you. 🙂
    So so glad that we're friends!
    And I can't WAIT to find out what you're having so I can collect cute little things to send to your sweet little baby.

  41. OMGoodness! Bawling my eyes out! So very happy for you. Your Mom is too cute, and how the camera goes tippy as everyone hugs Josh! Very best wishes to you both! Can't wait for your gorgeous baby kits!

  42. OKAY…I'm crying too! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you guys and LOVE that you posted your mom's reaction. It looks like she might be a little excited too 🙂

  43. I love this. Such a cute way to tell your family. I cried watching this. Congrats to you and your family!

  44. Totally made me cry! I was imagining myself there hugging you right along with all of your fam! Love you!!

  45. Whee! Another Disney Fan in the making! Don't forget to get "baby's first trip to Disney" photos while you are there in October!!


  46. Britt–That video couldn't be any more adorable. OMG, you are so creative! I love the double take your mom did on the card. So SO cute!

  47. Oh man, I am totally crying now! What a sweet, special moment. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us, Britt. I couldn't be more happy for you!

  48. So cute, Britt!! Love your mom's expressions when she saw the picture.. So priceless.. 🙂

  49. Ahhh! So cute!!!

    *wiping tears from my eyes now*

    I just am catching up on the blog & so happy for you two!!!

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