Hey you guys!! I have some BIG BIG BIG news!!!!!

Yes! We are expecting our very first baby!
We actually found out back on Josh’s birthday in July. (Talk about a great 30th birthday present, right!?) We tried for 1 year and 2 months to get pregnant. It was a hard year of waiting, and disappointment. But we just had to have faith that it would happen and FINALLY, IT DID!

I’m 16 weeks now, a little over 4 months. (This ultra-sound was from our 12 week appointment). I’m due on March 11th.
We find out if we’re having a boy or a girl in less than 4 weeks! RIGHT BEFORE I leave for Orlando! So yes, these two Disney trips in October will be be totally Thrill-Ride-Free for me! I’ll have to content myself with Small World and the likes! HAHA But that’s TOTALLY fine by me!!!
We actually just had our 16 week appointment this morning and all is well! They said everything looks great. We got to hear the heart beat, which is always amazing!
I do get SUPER tired and my bed time has bumped way up. Josh and I used to be total night-owls and were very rarely asleep before midnight. Now its rare if we’re not in bed around 10:00. And I do have to take little naps here and there. My energy has been way down.
BUT – I haven’t had any morning sickness or anything like that. I get a little bit of a stomach ache at night sometimes, but its nothing bad (I’m pretty sure its just gas). I’ve been VERY lucky. I get it from my mom. She wasn’t ever sick with her babies either.
If you can’t tell we’re just a little excited! And I’m so happy I can finally tell you all! It’s been really hard keeping the secret!
And, yes, you can probably expect a few new “baby” products from Britt-ish Designs in the next 5 months of my pregnancy! HAHA!! I’m sure I won’t be able to help myself.
So – that’s my big news. Probably the biggest news I’ve ever shared on my blog before. Pretty cool!
Have an amazing day!!!!
That's wonderful news!!! Congratulations!
I am so happy for you two! You're both going to be wonderful parents. Congrats! And rest up.
Congratulations Brittney & Josh! I love the adorable picture of you two w/ the pregnancy test! So excited for you! I can't wait to meet Baby Leavitt!
Congratulations!!! Wonderful news!!!
Awwww…that is some pretty amazing news!!! Congrats Britt 🙂
Yay!!!! So Exciting! Congrats…are we going to have a guessing game on the sex??? That would be fun!!
Congrats to you both!!! I was 20 weeks when we were at Disney in 2008 and there's definitely enough to keep you entertained anyway 🙂 Disney even handed out roses to the mommas on Mothers' Day and we had Mother's Day brunch at Crystal Palace with Pooh & the gang. Many future amazing memories await 🙂 H&H pregnancy wishes for you!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you!
I just had to delurk to say congrats to you!! So very happy for you. You will be an awesome mom for sure!!! I can't wait to see your new baby themes, perhaps I'll get back into scrapping!?!
Congratulations! Hope the rest of the pregnancy is as easy as this first half! ☺
You know I'm beyond excited for you two! Wouldn't it be awesome if you had a girl. Then our girls could grow up to be just as good of friends as we are 🙂
BRITTNEY! I'm so so excited for you. That is about EXACTLY how long it took me to get pregnant with my 1 valid pregnancy. I've been pregnant 2 other times, but both miscarriages. And…. I'm on the waiting game again, since February. It's super frustrating, I know exactly how it must've been for you. So I'm SUPER stoked for you… you will be SUCH A cute cute mommy and I can't wait to hear what you're having!!!! YAY! 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS! You will be an AMAZING mother! We are thrilled for you both! LOVE you so much! YIPEE!
Wow, that's wonderful! Congratulations!
Greetings from Germany,
congrats Britteny & Josh!!! That first trimester is SOOO hard. Maybe a in a few years you'll stop feeling so tired – LOL. My twins are five and I still feel tired although my brain isn't as mushy as it was during that first trimester. Take it easy and enjoy this time…the memories truly do fade away.
Congratulations! This is such an exciting time for both of you. Now you can start saving for those family disney trips:) Hmmm, I wonder, will it be princess costumes or swords in your future? Blessings for a happy, healthy baby!
congratulations Britt.
Oh a pregnancy kit would be great!
how cool is that! Im estatic for you!
Oh Britt, that's SO exciting!!! Congrats to both of you!!!
Congratulations!! That is very exciting news. When I was pregnant with my first my husband & I established the "10:00 rule" in bed every night by 10. Didn't work so well with the second though!
I feel silly getting teary eyed after reading this as you are technically a stranger, but after following your blog, your positive energy, reading your book recommendations, I guess I feel like a friend to some degree and I can honestly say I wish you and your Mr the most happiness and laughter. Just think of the many great scrappin' moments ahead! Lots of love to your family ~
Congrats!!! Something tells me in the future there might be a BABY disney inspired kit! hee hee
CONGRATS to you both and HOW FREAKING EXCITING!!! Can't wait for those "baby" kits too! You two will be the most AMAZING parents!!!
Congratulations! That is the most wonderful news, and I'm so happy for you!
How exciting!! I am so happy for the two/three of you!! Continue to take care of yourself and the little one. Can't wait to hear if it is boy or girl! Congratulations!!
Congrats Brittney and Josh – how much better does it get than this!!!
I am TRULY excited for the both of you and wish you a WONDERFULLY sweet pregnancy!
Hugs …
BRITT!!!! I am sooooo happy for you guys and that pic of you with your pregnancy test stick is just so cute!!! I understand about how waiting can be so hard…we waited and waited for nearly 10 years before adopting Kaitlyn and now we are waiting again (3 years, 3 weeks and 5 days, but WHO is counting?!) for a call from our adoption agency!! =) I can't wait to start seeing those precious baby layouts from you!! Aww….I can't stop smiling…I'm just so happy for your new little family!!!! XOXOXO
Congratulations! Such wonderful news!
Congratulations, Britt! I'm so happy for you!
SO excited for you! Congratulations guys! Wonderful news!
What fun and exciting news!!!!!! Congrats to you both and dont' worry WDW and D-Land are just as fun preg and not. You can EAT your way around the parks guilt free! 🙂
WOW!! Yay!! That's so exciting; congratulations!!
Yeah congratulations Britt and Josh that really is exciting new – look forward to congratulating in person in October 🙂
Congratulations!!!! 🙂
WOW !! Congratulations !! Even though I want more stuff from you, you should just take it easy now…..after the little one is born there's not a lot of time to yourself 🙂
Congrats Britt and Josh! That is so exciting!!
That is so so so awesome Britt!! Congrats hunnie!!Now go prop them feet up and rest on your left hand side, and hydrate hydrate hydrate!! Try not to over do at Disney,and enjoy this pregnancy as much as you can!!As a mommy of five trust me time flies!
How exciting! Congrats!!!
God Bless you all and many congratulations to you!
Big ((((HUGS))) to you both!! You are going to be an amazing mommy!
Wow – congrats, babies are truely a gift and a blessing!
Wow – that is great news! Babies are truely a gift and a blessing!
Congratulations – how exciting for you both! I hope everything continues to go spectacularly for you!
How exciting! Congratulations! I have two little boys and they are an adventure! Can't wait to see where this gets your creativity headed.
Big Congrats to you both! Love the photo and I can't wait to see some Disney baby kits! 🙂
Yay! Congrats to you both!
That is so exciting!! Congratulations!!
Congratulations! You are gonna be an awesome mom and have such fun! I'm so happy for you!!! WooT!!!
All the best
Congrats, Britt! You will be an awesome Mom…So excited for you both!!
Congrats on your very exciting news and get used to be tired…it lasts until they leave the nest!
YAY! I've been waiting for you to let the cat out of the bag! :)You know we ARE so excited to meet baby Leavitt! 🙂
YAY!!! Congratulations to you both!!
Such wonderful news!! Congratulations! Wishing you a great pregnancy – enjoy it!
Congrats!! Your due date is my wedding anniversary! Me and my little family will be going to Disneyland in October too! This will be my first trip in about 11 years that I HAVEN'T been pregnant so I am going to go for the thrills!
That is so exciting Britt!! Congrats! Hopefully you will get some energy back soon!
Congrats! I got a little teary eyed reading your post. Looks like all the cards have fallen into place. How wonderful for you both.
Congrats! I am so happy for you both!<3
That's such fantastic news!! Congratulations to you & Josh!!!!!! I LOVE the photo you took with the pregnancy test – very original!!
so happy for you and josh! and so glad you're not burdened with such a big, wonderful secret anymore!
So excited for you!!! I will also be excited to see your baby kits. It will be nice to have some really good ones out there.
Congratulations, Britt and Josh!!! What wonderful, happy news for you and your families. You are going to be wonderful parents!
CONGRATULATIONS BRITT!!! So excited for you and your husband! I wish you a happy and healthy rest of your pregnancy.
AMAZING NEWS BRITT!!! Congratulations to you both!
Congratulations, Britt! Enjoy this wonderful time and wishing you a very happy and easy pregnancy!
Awwwwwww! Britt!! I'm so thrilled for you!! Seriously, honey…how perfect! You will be a wonderful mom! Yay, yay, yay! Congrats on your new little family!
Awww! Congratulations Britt!! I'm so happy for you! 🙂
What an exciting year you've had: a house, your own shop and now a baby! Congratulations!!!
Awesome!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you. It's amazing how a child changes your life..for the better. You are truly blessed.
Congratulations! So happy for you and your hubby. It took me 5 years to become pregnant so I totally understand your excitement! Live it up and celebrate daily! Second time around, it took so long that we adopted and couldn't be happier with our sweet little family! Life is good!
Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you and Josh!!! Take care of yourself and that precious little baby! 🙂
I'm so excited for you both!!! Motherhood changes EVERYTHING, but certainly for the better!!! Congrats and good luck on the pregnancy!
Oh Britt!!!!! I am beyond thrilled for your guys!!! I can only imagine the insane amount of scrapbook pages your will have of the little one! You better plan to tell us all if it's a boy or girl or I will seriously go insane!!!! Congrats!!!!
Wow that is awesome news!! Congratulations!!!!!
Congratulations to both of you! How exciting! And I have to admit, I'm excited for me because I need some baby kits 😉 Feeding, maybe some cute baby characters like "The Gang's All Here"……just a suggestion 🙂 Congrats!!!
Congratulations!! Looking forward to the baby kits! 😉
Congrats! I'm so excited for you.
That is such fabulous news Brittney! Congrats to you and Josh. I'm certain your little one will be born wearing mouse ears. Great news!
So excited for you! I know what it's like to wish and hope and pray for that little miracle of life to grow. Congratulations!!!
Very happy for you, Congratulations to you and Josh! Can't wait to see more Baby pictures and pages.
Kim S. (aka…carolinagirl)
Wow…congratulations to you both! Very awesome…get some sleep while you can!!
Britt!! I'm so happy for you!! A huge congrats to you and Josh!
CONGRATULATIONS!! That's wonderful news, and I wish all of you the best!!
Congratulations Britt! I'm sure you're geared up for this thrill ride that will last for a very long time 🙂 Love that photo of you and josh blurred in the background and the test that confirmed the good news in the foreground. Awesome, we can still see that you both were beaming 🙂
Congratulations!!!! How super exciting 🙂
Oh mon dieu ! I'm so happy for you guys ! Congratulation !
Such wonderful news! Congratulations!!!
That is absolutely wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys! And a bit jealous – I've been so sick and tired and everything else this pregnancy lol Our 20 week ultrasound showed a very shy little baby, so we still don't know what we're having – I'll cross my fingers that you baby is better behaved!
I responded on twitter but I couldn't respond here until now. SO exciting!! Congrats Britt & Josh! You two are going to make amazing parents. 🙂
BRITT!!!!! I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations!
Congratulations for the new baby Britt, how greeeeaaaatttt news!!! My best wishes for you all 3 now!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!! Such wonderful and exciting news! I can hardly wait to see the beautiful designs that will come from this amazing new source of inspiration!
Wow! Congrats Britt! That is wonderful news!
Congratulations to you and Josh! So very exciting. Just be careful not to overheat in Disney if its warm.Its so much easier to overheat when you are pregnant, not to mention being more sensative to sunlight so bring the 100spf sunblock. Can't wait to see you in Oct.
Julie (liriel)
OK, I don't even know you but I feel like I do and I'm SO excited for you and Josh!! It took my husband and I 7 years to conceive our son so I know the joy you must feel. Congrats! I'm going to be at Disney the same week you're there and I so wish I could meet up with everyone at the Italian restaurant just to give you a hug. Congratulations again!
That is fabulous news! Congrats to you and Josh! Glad to hear your first trimester has been so smooth. These last 5 months will fly by. So exciting! Melinda
Oh wow, congrats Britt! You two are going to make awesome parents! What a blessing. So, have you bought baby mouse ears yet? lol
Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news and I'm so very happy for you. You're about to enter a whole new world for sure! 🙂
Congratulations!!!! I am so very happy for you!
CONGRATS!!!! Just great BIG news! good luck with everything! So exciting!!
awww yay britt! so excited for you! congrats!! 🙂
Congratulations. Hope things continue to go well for you. This is a life altering event—in a very good way.
Oh my goodness!!! How exciting!! Congratulations!!!!
Congrats !!!!!!!
Awwww…Yay!! I am sooo excited for you, girl! You are going to be one amazing and fabulous mommy, and I couldn't be happier for you and Josh.
Looking forward to all the baby goodness in the coming months. 🙂
I've been such a long-time fan, Britt, that when I read your news this morning, I feel like I should pick up the phone and call you to say congratulations! I am so very happy for you and Josh!!! You guys are going to be awesome parents!
Congrats Britt!!!!!!
i love the picture! so creative!
CONGRATS!!!!! I am so excited for you TFS!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so excited for you! I did Disney when I was pregnant and it was still a great trip. Stay hydrated, take it slow, and enjoy every child-free minute of it! Your Disney trips will never be the same again!
Congrats Britt. I am happy everything is working out for you! Waiting a year is so hard! I had to wait for seven years the second time. I pray for health and happiness for the three of you!
Congrats!! I am SO excited for you!! I just watched your video and it made me cry. Your mom's reaction was priceless! I just had my miracle baby in May and it was about this time last year I shared the news with my family by wearing a t-shirt. They reacted the same way – such special memories! Congrats again – you will absolutely love being a mommy!! 🙂
P.S. LOVE your designs – a long time fan but never comment – sorry. 🙂
YAY, pretty Britt-y! I am thrilled for you & Josh. I've been waiting for this announcement forever! You will be super parents…let me know if you need recommendations for great baby stuff.
Congratulations Britt!!! So happy for you and Josh!!!
congratulations!! Looks like you'll be spending your Disney Vacation shopping for your new little one! Get the clothes bigger because they grow sooo fast!
Awesome news! Enjoy every minute of the wonderful ride called parenthood.
Congrats! It is definitely a hard secret to keep. LOL! Great picture of you two holding the pregnancy test… very creative. I will definitely look forward to a baby kit since we are expecting my Bro-in-law's 1st child at the end of this week and my Sis-in-law's 2nd at the beginning of December (so I will need some cute kits to scrap their babies). Great, great, great news!
– Mary Kate
Oh MG!!! Congrats for the little Britt-by!! Take care of you two!!
Maybe a 'Bamby' kit for the great news!!???
Congrats! So happy for you both – first you bought your house & now this! woo-hoo!
Congratulations to you both, I'm so happy for you!
Wow Congrats this is so exiting! Can't believe I'm just now seeing this…but we were in WDW when you posted it!