I can’t wait!

I’m so distracted today. This has NOTHING to do with my post yesterday, but we’re headed to Disneyland this weekend! My whole family is going together. We have our matchy tee shirts all ready to go – we are all super super excited! I can’t wait. Friday can’t get here quick enough. WE LOVE THE MOUSE!

6 thoughts on “I can’t wait!”

  1. Hi Britt. Have a blast! We are super excited around our house, also! We are taking our kids on vacation to DL starting this weekend too! Although we haven't been for 8 years – Yikes its long overdue!!
    Rhonda in sunny British Columbia

  2. Disneyland again!!! I wish we were going too! I've got to convince my DH or I'll have to start borrowing pictures for challenges at MS! LOL =)

  3. Have a great time! Captain EO just re-opened this morning. They have it running for a limited time as a tribute to MJ. Hope you get to see it if you are into that sort of thing. I want to take my kids to see it just because it is something cool I remember from my childhood.

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