{Hear Ye! Hear Ye!} ~ don’t miss the freebie ~

Well, its Friday! And that means new releases!! This week I’ve got some VERY girly new products. First up, my new kit! (I’m sooooo excited!!)

Introducing . . .

Available exclusively at ScrapMatters. (And its only 5.50!)

Inspired by my love all things Disney Princesses, this kit is just dripping with fantasy. If you know me, you know I LOVE pink and everything girly!! Making a kit so overtly girly was so much fun!!! I couldn’t stop at just the kit. Also available now:

And for 1 week only, starting today if you purchase the kit, you get the brag book for FREE!!

But that’s not all! ย  Also available today . . .

All this magical, fantastical stuff is just so much fun! ย And my CT, and some ScrapMatters CT girls, REALLY had a great time scrapping with it! I couldn’t believe how many LOs I got back!! ย First of all, here’s my LO!

~ from Danica ~

~ THREE from Erica!! ~

~ TWO from Happy Scrap Girl ~

~ From Marci ~

~ TWO from Kate ~

~ from Sarah ~

~ from Tami ~

~ from Melanie ~

~ TWO from Sya ~

~ from Teresa ~

Are you princess-ed out?!! HAHA!! Well, if you’ve made it this far you TOTALLY deserve this freebie!!

“Who Needs a Fairy Godmother?”

Download your freebie here. Like in past weeks, all I ask if you download the freebie is that you check out the full kit and of course leave me some love either here or at 4shared!

Whew . . . this is one long post. But hang in there! You do NOT want to miss . . .


Every week you guys keep breaking the record for the most Show Offs ever! This week was no different! TWENTY SEVENย total!! (If you sent me a LO and somehow it didn’t make it into the slideshow, it was a total accident! Just email and let me know and I’ll put your LO in right away!) All of the Show Offs will be getting both the “Princess Polka Dots” and “Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust”! Thank you all sooooo much for showing off! I can’t tell you how much I love seeing your work!

If you want to send a Show Off for next Friday just make sure you send a 600×600 (saved for web) version of your LO with the subject line: “show off” to designerbrittney at gmail dot com before midnight on Thursday!!

Ok – I think that’s finally it!! Hope you all have fun with all my new princessy products!! Dont’ forget to get “Her Royal Highness” BEFORE next Saturday so you can get the Brag Book for free!! ย And don’t worry, all you scrappers without a princess to scrap. I’ve got a totally NON-girly kit in the works just for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy the weekend!!

40 thoughts on “{Hear Ye! Hear Ye!} ~ don’t miss the freebie ~”

  1. OMG!

    I am such a huge fan and I love your stuff, and I could just go on and on!

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  2. Ok loving your new kit !!! AAAGGGGGHHHH!!! :):)
    Also I just wanted to let your CT know that I come here to get inspired, so thanks to them for their AWESOME pages !!!!

  3. I need all of the kits and I don’t even have my own little princess! It will be fun to try and find a way to use these BEAUTIFUL designs! Thanks for the freebies and keep the Magical stuff coming!!

  4. You kill my pocketbook. I love your kits, and have bought all three of the disney-ish kits. I have a Disneyland album to do plus three little granddaughters who are definitely princesses.

  5. Each of your kits is just so amazing! Please, let your creative juices keep flowing and keep designing more Disney-ish kits. I’ll buy them all!

  6. Wow, so many fantastic layouts, I’m blown away! Your new kit is amazing, I could scrap a hundred layouts from it!
    p.s. love all the add-ons.. esp the pixie dust!!

    (and thanks heaps for the freebie!!)

  7. Victoria Elder

    Hey! Yeah we think Dax is pretty cute too ๐Ÿ˜‰ His personality is even better, he just squeals & screams all day& crawls around puts everything in his mouth!
    So all your new kits are amazing! I feel like i need to make another trip to disneyland so i can have more pictures, I am hoping all my disneyland pictures aren’t lost on my macbook. But ya what can ya do… So what you said about making a not so girly kit comin up made me so excited! Mallory says your last kit is amazing and she loves it!

  8. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this kit! Thank you for this great freebie! Can’t wait to start scrapping!

  9. Britt it is fantastic. I will give hubby a dig in the ribs that I need the kit before Mother’s Day to get the freebie. As the mother of a princess (does that make me a queen LOL), I will get lots of use out of this kit.
    Best wishes,

  10. Thank you SO much. This is a gorgeous kit, those layouts are AWESOME and the freebie is much appreciated! Thanks bunches!

  11. Brittney your new designs are great! I am crazy for this new kit. I think Erica Zane and me have the smae “problem”: Love so much your stuff. Thanks for the great layouts your CT did, thanks for the Show Off and Thanks for the freebie! Finnaly, thanks for being here.

  12. I had to buy this one too!! Your work is absolutlely lovely!!
    THANK YOU for including me in your “show offs”… I’m so thrilled to be included.

  13. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today.

  14. Renata Pamplona

    Britt, as usual, your kits are awesomeee!!! This is sooo girlie and cute. Thanks for always sharing some of your stuff.

  15. Sarah C. (my4hens)

    Coming by to show love honey!! Your new kit is GORGEOUS! I am so thrilled to have been able to play with it!! Big hugs!

  16. Britt,
    As you know I LOVE everything you create! I’m excited to use this new kit ๐Ÿ™‚ So I have an idea for your next project. I wanted to scrap some pictures of Ethan’s first bath but I couldn’t find any cute stuff. Maybe you could create a fun bath time kit ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Thank you so much for the freebie. I have two little princesses in my house so this will be well used. Thanks again.

  18. Thank you so much for the freebie! The entire kit looks really beautiful I am so tempted to make the purchase ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I LOVE these princess designs! i think I will be buying the full kit, because it seems like SO much fun to play with! I also can’t wait until you bring out your non-girly “princely” designs, as I have 4 nephews ages 15, 11, 7, and 3, and have a TON of pictures of them that I need to scrap! Can’t wait!!! Thanks again!

  20. Wow, your new kit is so pretty and love all that inspiration, Wow fantastic jobs the girls did with your kit ๐Ÿ˜‰ TFs

  21. Amazing stuff! I just spent $40 on your designs over at ScrapMatters and am now downloading some of the freebies. Keep up the great work!!!! And thanks for the freebies!

  22. Thank you for the freebie. I buy as many kits as I can manage, but the freebies are all greatly appreciated too ๐Ÿ™‚

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