{episode III}

Star Wars week continues . . .

Last night we cuddled up and watched Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Episode III is just sad. Anakin turns to the dark side, almost all the Jedi are killed, even the little ones! Padme dies in childbirth. Ugh. It’s just a depressing episode. Entertaining, but so sad. I am REALLY excited to watch “A New Hope” tonight. 🙂 YAY!

Random LO share: I scrapped this today.

Oh yeah! Aand I scrapped this yesterday!!

This one is with a kit from Mira Designs called “Summer Fun“. Minna Rajala (Mira Designs) is a good digi scrap friend of mine, and I’m lucky enough to be on her CT. She recently started selling at The Digi Chick! She’s like famous!! Anyway – this LO caught the attention of the right person and I was featured on the “Gallery Standouts” blog today! SEE! Pretty cool huh? I was so surprised and flattered!!

Ok – I am soooooo excited to release my new kit tomorrow. My CT has scrapped the CUTEST LOs with it, PLUS I already have TWENTY ONE show offs ready to . . . well, SHOW OFF! And there’s still over 8 hours before the cut off! Get those LOs emailed to me if you haven’t already. Be sure to make the subject line: “Show Off”, k?

Alright – that’s it until the big release and show off post tomorrow morning! Get excited!!

10 thoughts on “{episode III}”

  1. Happy Scrap Girl

    Great LO’s! So excited about the release tomorrow – maybe then I’ll stop “stalking” your blog 🙂 For now anyhow, LOL!

  2. LOL Happy! I stalked Britt’s blog too.. 😀

    Congrats Britt, for being featured at the Gallery Standouts.. 🙂

  3. Britt I love that goofball page! It’s so cute I love that Kit! I might have to go and get it!

  4. Hey Britt, hope you enjoyed New Hope. We watched it on Sunday, my 7yr DS’s first time to watch. He was totally enthralled. Hubby and I reminisced that when it first came out we were the same age as our kids are now – I feel so OLD, LOL. Saw a glimpse of your new kit on Flerg’s blog and cannot wait, it is going on my mother’s day wish list – the word art about the slipper is perfect for my daughter.
    Enjoy that star wars week – we are watching The Empire Strikes Back next weekend.
    Best wishes,

  5. I love that you and your husband are watching the Star Wars. That’s so fun! I love Revenge of the Sith… I think it’s my favorite! HAHAH Kind funny! 🙂 Maybe i’m just a pessimist right?!?!

  6. just found your blog and wanted to tell you that I really like the LO you did – goofball. I hope to scraplift that LO. Love the off kilter stuff and the sketchy lines of it.

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