{FINALLY, some scrapping time!!}

I finally scrapped!! Hooray!

When Morgan, Josh & Gracelyn came to visit last month we went to the zoo! Did you know you can go to the zoo in the winter? Well, you can! It’s very fun!!

And this LO was for a challenge over at Sweet Shoppe Designs where we were challenged to refresh an old LO that no longer relfected our scrapping style. I knew exactly which LO to “refresh”. I had always been unhappy with this LO that I scrapped a long time ago, and this challenge gave me the perfect opportunity to fix it!!

Anyway – It felt really good to scrap a little. Now I just need to get better so I can start packing up my house! It’s driving me insane to be lying around and not packing!!!

See ya!

4 thoughts on “{FINALLY, some scrapping time!!}”

  1. Josh, Morgan, and Our Kids

    Oh my GOODNESS! The winter zoo page is ADORABLE! You did it way better than I ever could! You will have to let me put that one in Gracelyn’s book! I LOVE IT! We miss you guys!

  2. Britt I love that winter zoo page! It is SO cute! I love it. So I haven’t scrapped in SO long…I hate it! I forgot my computer when we were up at your folks. Dang it. But hopefully with christian being gone this weekend I”ll be able to get something done…oh and it doesn’t help that looking at the computer too long makes me really nauseous! Uh oh…

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