{I’m baaaaack}

Yes I’m back from vacation but I’m sad to say I’m STILL SICK!!! I’ve been sick for coming up on two weeks. And yes, I was sick the whole time on vacation. But it was Disneyland, so I just ran around like a kid regardless of how sick I was. Probably not the smartest idea, because on the drive home to Utah it all caught up with me!!! But I rested all day yesterday and I’m relaxin’ today and starting to slowly feel better. I am just REALLY sick of feeling sick.

But Disneyland was amazing. We had a magical wonderful time!!! When I start feelin’ better I will post pics, I promise.

Here are the show-offs for this week. Again, a bunch of AWESOME LOs this week!!

If you were a show-off this week, watch for an email from me with the link to you gift! This gift isn’t even in stores yet, but it will be soon.

If you weren’t a show-off, what are you waiting for?? Email me those LOs (designerbrittney at gmail dot com) using my products and you’ll get a free gift when I show you off!

Alrighty – well I gotta log off and get some more rest now. I really want to get healthy so I can get back in the loop!

3 thoughts on “{I’m baaaaack}”

  1. Hi
    I’m glad your back, glad you have a great time at DL, sorry to hear your not feeling well. I wanted to tell you I purchased you grab bag, and can I just say WOW! Yours is the best grab bag I have ever purchased. I really stopped buying them because they are usually full of things I would/could not use. My daughter is virginiajen (recently a Friday posting with your disney kit) and she told me your designs are great. She was right. I loved the grabbag so much, I went back and purchased your stitches. Will send you link when I have a LO done (I’m not a very fast scrapper). Thanks again and I will be checking your blog regularly for new product announcements. Now go get some rest.

  2. Glad to know you had a blast with your vacation, even having been sick and all. Rest up and get all better 🙂

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