{so excited . . . }

Tomorrow is going to ROCK! I have been waiting for Friday all week. 1) I get to release my GRAB BAG and 2) we are leaving for DISNEYLAND!!! It’s been the longest week! I feel like Monday was forever ago.

Anyway – here’s a couple LOs. One I’ve been working on for a couple days (way longer than I usually work on a page) and the other I did today.

Here’s the one that’s been in the works since Monday.


It’s my second page for the “Tell Your Story” challenges at SSD. It’s so much fun! My mom was nice enough to scan a couple pics of my old house and tell me a little more about our move to Roy. I am LOVIN’ this project!

And here’s pics from the Valentine’s we just had!!


Aww . . . aren’t we cute?!

Well, its about time for young womens. I guess I better go get ready.

Ohhhh . . . wait just a minute. I keep forgetting to post this!! VERY exciting news! We found a new house to rent and we are officially moving!! In just over two weeks!! Look at our new house! Isn’t it cute?!??

It’s like the cutest little 50s red brick house ever! We are soooo excited and happy! So its moving central as soon as we get back from Disneyland!!

Ok I really do have to go get ready for mutual now. It’s probably my last activity before we move.

2 thoughts on “{so excited . . . }”

  1. Fantastic news re: your new house, and it does look super sweet!

    Yay for it being Friday (well it is here) and I agree it’s been the longest week ever!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend and time away!

    p.s. I’m excited for you releasing your grab bag!! Very cool!

  2. Yay, congrats so much on you new home!! It looks so cute! 🙂 Can’t wait to see pictures from the inside! And have a fantastic time in Disneyland! (I know you will, but I wanted to say it anyway 😉 )

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