{biggest show-offs ever & new “in stitches”}

Hey there!!  Let’s start right off with this week’s show-offs.  I was a little worried our numbers would be small this week since a couple of my regular show-off girls are now on the SM CT and wouldn’t be showin’ off for the goodies anymore, but boy was I wrong!  This is the most show-offs I’ve ever had and they are all just GORGEOUS LOs!!  See for yourself . . . 

Girls, watch for an email from me with your gift links. 🙂 I’m just soooo excited about how many FABULOUS scrappers showed off this week! Each of you are getting my brand new “In Stitches: Wacky”.

It’s not even in stores yet!! You Show Offs are the VERY first people to get them and use them! 🙂 They should be in stores VERY soon!!

If you want a gift for youself, make sure you email me (designerbrittney at gmail dot com) your LOs using ANY product (freebie or not) by Britt-ish Designs. It can be anything from a template, a kit, or even just one little staple! 🙂 hehe But email them to me each week before midnight on Thursday, and on Friday, I’ll be showing you off!! 🙂

Also coming soon to the shops is “in stitches: basics”.

Between these two packs you’ll have enough stitches for every LO you ever do! haha. In fact, why not buy them both together and save??

“In stitches: duo pack”

As soon as these awesome stitch packs have been loaded into ScrapMatters and scraphead, I’ll post and let you know!! It should be soon.

Well . . . hope everyone has a great Friday. I’m going to lunch in a bit with my good friend Angie, and then to work at the screen printers. I wish I could stay home and work on my new kit, but alas, its not to be.

Oh, I just realized I never posted this LO I did a few days ago here on the blog.


This is my brother and his wife 2 Christmases ago. She was expecting her daughter Eden and Christian surprised her with this gorgeous white rocking chair! It was such a sweet memory!! 🙂

Anyway – I guess that’s it. Have a great day.

7 thoughts on “{biggest show-offs ever & new “in stitches”}”

  1. Love the stitches!! You are way to good at this! Not fair! See you in awhile at lunch! I am so excited!!

  2. Gorgeous show offs!! I love seeing the way people use your stuff.. cos they never look the same, but they are always fab!

    LOVE the stitches too.. you can never have enough stitches.. I find I can barely get through a LO these days without searching for some stitching to use! (That and staples!)

  3. That’s loads of stitches! You’ve kept yourself busy making them. Especially love the Wacky ones. 🙂

  4. Brittney,
    Thank you for the stitches! I can tell you I will be purchasing the second grouping!! They are awesome!

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