Hey just giving everyone a head’s up that you can get a really cute full kit by Andilynn Designs and 2 full alphas designed by Heather on the ScrapMatters Team Blog today through Monday.

AND the first three people to post LOs in the ScrapMatters gallery using this free stuff gets another free kit from Andilynn Designs. Scrapper’s choice. Pretty cool. Go get ’em!!
Today’s been super low-key. We’ve just been relaxing all day. I scrapped a little and worked a lot of my new kit. It’s almost all done. You guys are going to love it!
I’ve realized lately that I LOVE being a digi-scrap designer. I so many aspects of this job. The work with ScrapMatters is awesome, coordinating the Team Blog, running my show-offs, oh and of course the Creative Team! It’s the best job and feels like I’ve really figured out what I was meant to do. I taught a Beginners Digi-Scrap class this past week on Wednesday. We had a good turn out, 11 new digi-scrappers. It was actually probably too big of a class. I think we’ll limit it to 5 or 6 next time. But I think everyone had a good time and ended up with a fairly good introduction to digi-scrapping. I HOPE!! We are even talking about having another class! And I know there were people who couldn’t make it to the first one so we will probably have a beginners class again. Which, by the way, if anyone is in the Provo/Orem area and is interested in coming to the classes, email me!!!
Anyway – I LOVE this job. It’s amazing and I really owe my customers so much for making it possible for me to make a little money doing what I love. It’s awesome! THANK YOU!!!!
I’ll leave you with a few LOs I’ve done this weekend.
I’m planning on making this into a double page LO, but for now I just have this one side done.
This one I did for a challenge at Sweet Shoppe Designs where you had to use FOURTEEN ribbons and THREE or more alphas! It was definitely a challenge, but that’s what I liked about it!!
And finally . . .
(wow, apparently I like tan neutral backgrounds these days. I didn’t even notice that until just now!!)
Sounds like you’ve found your dream job..! 🙂 And I bet teaching the digi-scrap class was loads of fun! Love your layouts too!
can’t wait for your new kit, britt!! 🙂 you know what, i wish i can quit my day job and do scrap-related stuff all day long. wouldn’t that be fun or what? oh, anyway, i’m starting my own digi journal. wish me luck!!