{she scraps-a-lot}

So lately I’ve been called off from my job at the screen printers a LOT. I haven’t gone in at all this week, and its left me with TONS of time to scrap, which of course is fun, but not the best for our financial situation!! Anyway – just wanted to post my latest LOs.

But first, i have to share this LO that Morgan, my cousin, scrapped with my new collab. kit!!!

Morgan ROCKS. She is such a talented scrapper, its amazing. She’s always so creative. This LO really just made me grin from ear to ear. LOVE IT Morgan!!!

Oh and before I forget, just a reminder that you have until the break of dawn tomorrow to get a “Show-Off” emailed to me! All my show-offs will get a another good prize this week, so send those in!!

Ok – NOW on to what I have been scrapping this week. (I’ll warn you, there’s a LOT!)

I scrapped this first one for a challenge over at ScrapMatters where you use an ad to get inspiration!


You can check out that challenge here if you want!


I think I told you a while back that we had a triple date with Ben, Tami, Sean and Stacy to play Rock Band at our house. It was so much fun!!

Then I scrapped this pic from LAST Easter! I know, I jump all over!!! I’m trying keep up and catch up at the same time!! HAHA


This one is a little “sweeter” than I normally do, but I liked it sweet for Easter.

Back when we were Primary teachers we could not help but snap secret pics of our little Sunbeams during Primary. They were just soooo cute!


I miss being in Primary.

Back in September I posted about Josh giving me roses when I got my new job at Blue Sheep. I finally scrapped the pics!!


January Beading Beauties was the smallest turn-out yet. We might have to cancel or go to every other month! I think people are losing interest. No matter if 1 Beauty comes or 10, its still always fun!


I scrapped another Disneyland page FINALLY. It’s officially been over a year since this trip to Disneyland, and it’s still not done. Sheesh.


Cameron LOVES Tigger! I loved this paper, with the “springs”. It was just too perfect for my Tigger page!!

And finally, the page I scrapped this morning. New Year’s Eve!! 🙂


We had a really awesome New Year’s Eve this year! So scrapping this page was fun!!

See! I told you I’ve been scrapping up a storm! I should start designing and stop playing!! hehe

See ya!

6 thoughts on “{she scraps-a-lot}”

  1. All your layouts are awesome as usual! I love the beading beauties one.. I’ve always loved the combination of red and purple.. I had our engagement cake made in those colours, lol.

  2. Wow, you’ve definately been busy scrapping! Love all your layouts and the tigger one especially caught my eye! It’s just fab!! 🙂

  3. Wow! You’ve done so many great ones! Thanks for picking a good picture of me! That page turned out really really good. It’s my joy to be your friend and mom!

  4. You are such an amazing scrapper. I can’t believe it! Wow. I love all the catchy titles and I really love the colors in beading beauties (I never really thought to recolor that kit, I have Chansy too!) I see your pages and I wish mine turned out that great. You are awesome!

  5. I freakin LOVE rock band!!!! It’s so awesome! I really like that Easter page you did. I actually think it’s my favorite one!!!! Love it!

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