{Another couple CT LOs}

Ok – first things first. I saw this funny quiz and thought I’d find out if I was naughty or nice this year. Turn out . . .

I Was Nice This Year

You Were 35% Naughty, 65% Nice

Okay, so you weren’t *entirely* nice this year
But Santa doesn’t expect a modern girl to be perfect
You were good enough – and you’ll be rewarded for it

Ok so I was nice. But just BARELY! Isn’t a 65% a D!? I think I just barely passed. Oh well, at least I’m not on the naughty list!! haha.

Take the quiz and link back to my comments so I can see if you were naughty or nice!

Alrighty – as promised my last couple CT LOs.

Using a fun kit called “Michele” by Isyndra, I scrapped all the pics from “November’s Meeting of the Beading Beauties”.


This LO . . . oh this LO. I just can’t decide. Do I like it? Do I hate it? Should I re-do it?! I just don’t know. I scrapped it over a week ago and I still keep thinking about it. I guess that’s not a good sign. I need help. Honestly, does this one need to be re-done? I know its busy and messy, but I thought that’s what I wanted! Argh! I just don’t know!

Ok – moving on. One last CT LO. . . . I used quite a few different scraphead products! I used Flerg’s new “Pink Paper Alpha“, Carol Abram’s “Rainbow Ribbons“, Carol’s “Paisley Passion: The Pastel Series” papers, my own “Do Me A Solid” papers, and some fun flowers from “Spring is in the Air” kit by Minna Rajala (I recolored them, and they recolor BEAUTIFULLY!!)

full credits

That’s it!  I’m outta here!  Off to work on my digi-journal! 

1 thought on “{Another couple CT LOs}”

  1. Happy Scrap Girl

    Oh, I didn’t fair much better on the test – apparently, I was only 70% nice this year – eeek! Santa will still bring a “C” student some presents, right??? Thanks for the fun quiz, and love looking at your LO’s as always.

    Merry Christmas!


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