{you’ll never guess what happened. . . }

Well, something pretty huge has happened. I got fired! Yep, the scumbag lawyer I worked for hired a new person while I was on vacation and fired me the day I got back. It’s a long story, but the bottom line is that in the last few weeks, we lost our file clerk and I guess he wanted me to be able to do two people’s jobs myself and it just wasn’t possible. I was doing my very best but I was not able to keep up with it all. Then, I guess while I was gone some people told my boss some lies about me and the work I was doing and he got all worked up and decided that after 2 and half years of me working for him and about 4 years total with the firm, that rather than talk to me about his concerns or tell me he was unhappy with anything I was doing that he would go ahead and hire someone while I was gone and just fire me out of the blue. Honestly, the last time we sat down and talked about how my job was going was only a few weeks ago and he was so happy with me that he gave me a RAISE!! I mean, I know he was getting upset that I wasn’t getting all the work done, but I guess he thinks this new girl (who is working part time, while his SON works the rest) is going to be able to do it.

It’s really a blessing in disguise because I hated my job there, I really wanted to be able to focus more on my design work and try and make it my REAL job and not just a hobby. So I’m sort of forced to leave the comfort of the firm and do other things. It’s just how horribly I was treated that makes it hard. It’s so weird. I’ve never been fired in my entire life. And it really is for nothing I did wrong. They showed me absolutely no courtesy. Which, just shocked me, since I’d been there for so long! It’s all just very surprising.

So . . . I guess my life has just changed dramatically. I have lots of time to do my design work and all the other things in my life that have fallen through the cracks lately. I just have to get over the shock and the feelings that were hurt. You know? Anyway – that’s the amazingly shocking crazy thing that happened to me the day I got back from vacation. Can you believe it??

10 thoughts on “{you’ll never guess what happened. . . }”

  1. I am so sorry Brittney, and I know exactly how horrible it is to be betrayed and fired from a job. It is one of the hardest things to go through! You SHOULD kick it into high gear with your design stuff, I’m excited to see more!!!

  2. Britt, I’m so sorry to hear about the underhanded way that you were fired/replaced. However I am hoping that it was a blessing in disguise and that all things will work out well in the the end.

  3. WOW! I can’t believe that! That is totally horrible!! I know you will be amazing at designing full time, you are extremely talented, and think about all the freedom of working for yourself!

  4. Oh Britt, I just want to reach through the monitor and give you a big ol’ hug! As Andrea said, it sounds like this was a blessing in disguise. I look forward to seeing how you’re going to channel all this new creative energy! Sunshine and smiles, sweetie!!

  5. Happy Scrap Girl

    I’m so sorry to hear this Brittney. It’s just terrible that your boss decided to listen to rumors instead of coming to you directly. I’m sure you know they say God works in mysterious ways – so perhaps this is infact a blessing in disguise. Best of luck!
    Hugs 🙂

  6. OMG that’s horrible! I hope things work out for the best. If it makes you feel any better I hate my job too! I can’t wait until I graduate school so I can tell them to take their job and shove it! HAHA!

  7. Wow, Brittney I just heard about this. I’m obviously not in the loop. 🙂 I guess I need to read your blog more often. Great new kit by the way. Hope you had lots of fun in Disneyland.

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