{The Big Time!}

Wow, it’s been too long since my last post!! So sorry about that. But I’ve been just a tad busy (understatement of the century). I’ve been asked to start selling my designs at scraphead.com! Yes, that’s right, ME, moi, this girl!!! I’m so insanely excited to be a bonified digi-scrap designer!!

What this means for you: LOTS of new products on a continual basis. Tons of free add-ons, samplers, and goodies! And you can come join us in the awesome community that is SCRAPHEAD. I’ve been on the CT there for a few months, and its a great site. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I strongly urge you to do so! If anything just to come see my “name in lights”!

And on top of everything, I’m currently working with my friend and fellow designer Andrea of Andilynn Designs to open a brand new store! Our Grand Opening is coming soon and I’ll be selling there as well!! More information on the new store when it becomes available! 😉

All my past freebies will be taken down tonight, and moved to the store, so if you were silly and didn’t download them, come and grab ’em at scraphead. But don’t get too down-hearted about the lack of freebies. More are coming very soon!

SO much is going on, its crazy!! I haven’t been to bed before 1:00 AM in, . . . well, I can’t remember when. But all my hard work is paying off!!

As soon as my stuff is officially uploaded and for sale at scraphead.com, I will be giving away a freebie add-on mini-kit that coordinates with my newest full kit! So come back for that!

Ugh! A blog post with not one photo. How boring!! Oh alright, I’ll give you sneaky peek at my new kit, soon to be released with free add-on! 🙂

Yep, that’s all the peek you get for now! It’s 1:40 AM now. Gotta go finish up a few things and then hit the sack!!


5 thoughts on “{The Big Time!}”

  1. Yay, I’m so excited for you and can’t wait to see your stuff at Scraphead!! I just hope I’ll get see it there before I leave on Wednesday. And I love the colors of your new kit!

  2. Josh, Morgan, and Our Kids

    Britt- I can’t WAIT to see the new kit! I know I will love it! I just don’t know how you do it all!

  3. Oh, Britt, I am SO happy for you! When you started designing I was wondering how long it’d take Leah & Carol to snap you up. Congratulations, sweetie. You so deserve this!

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