{Christmas in July??!}

I put a few finishing touches on a couple LOs I did back in June. They are Christmas LOs! It’s always fun to scrap Christmas pictures! 🙂 I have lots more to go though.

Credits are in my gallery.

I’ve also been working on getting my weekly digi-journal all caught up! (Again, all credits are in my gallery.) Have I told you about how much I love this project? It is so much fun! I love having a record of my life week to week! When I print it all in a book its going to be so AWESOME!! So – here are the last 4 weeks! (I broke one week up into 2 pages because so much happened, so there are really 5 pages!)

Alrighty – that’s all my journaling! I’m all caught up . . . FOR NOW!! 🙂 Now, I’ve gotta go pack for California! See ya!!

4 thoughts on “{Christmas in July??!}”

  1. Check out my blog if you want to see a layout that I’ve made with one of your templates…

  2. Dude-man's Mommy

    Lookit you, gettin’ your Christmas on in July! :o)

    I love the new look for the blog too, BTW.

    Hope you’re having fun in Cali.

  3. Great layouts – love the journaling – someday I will have to tell you stories about owning a home on Center St. in Provo during the parade – people do camp out! lol. When you get back from vacation, stop by my blog and pick up your blogger reflections award I nominated you for! Happy travels!

  4. You are totally spreading your addiction and you don’t even know it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE digital scrapbooking all because KT showed me the link to your blog! You are SOOOO SOO GOOD AT IT! You have always been so creative WAY TO GO! I love seeing all your new pages and your journal is such a good idea!! Keep it UP!

    Love Danica

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