{freebie from scraphead}

First of all, I want to thank everyone who downloaded my template freebie, especialy those of you who took time to leave a comment. As a freebie hunter myself, I know its sometimes a pain to say thanks, but I now know how much it is appreciated. THANK YOU! The link will be up indefinately. So, if you haven’t downloaded it yet, scroll down and go to town!

Speaking of freebie hunting, Carol at scraphead has this ADORABLE freebie for everyone!

Just go to scraphead.com and click on the freebies link on the right hand side of the page. You’ll find these awesome frames as well as lots of other cute freebies. While you’re there check out their store! Everything is 30% when you enter a code you can find on their home page.

As for me, I’ve been scrappin’ scrappin’ scrappin’ away. Here are a few of my recent LOs.

(Click any of the images to enlarge, all credits can be found in my digishoptalk gallery.)

This is my latest journal entry page. For those of you who may not know, I keep what I call my “weekly digi-journal”. I do a journal entry every week and scrap each entry. Sometimes there are pictures or ticket stubs like this page. But some have no pictures at all. It’s my new year’s resolution and I can’t wait to put it all in a book and order at the end of the year!!

Here are few of my 12×12 regular scrapbook LOs I’ve done recently.

And finally . . .

Anyway – that’s what I’ve been up to lately. My sister in law and new baby niece are in town. I taught my sis-in-law how to digital scrapbook and of course, she’s ADDICTED. Her pages are looking REALLY cute. I’m very proud. When I started digital scrapbooking, I didn’t know anyone personally who digi-scrapped. But now (since they all wanted lessons) I know three! It’s very fun!

1 thought on “{freebie from scraphead}”

  1. That digi journal thing is awesome! It will be so great to read it later and remember all the things that happened during the year. And I’m glad, you’ve converted more people into digiscrapping.. 😉

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